Daily Gunsmoke

Gunsmoke - Kick Me - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Welcome to Daily Gunsmoke, your go-to podcast for diving into the legendary tales of Marshal Matt Dillon and the untamed landscape of Dodge City from the classic old-time radio series, "Gunsmoke." Join us every day as we explore a unique episode filled with high-stakes gunfights, complex moral issues, and the raw drama that cemented Gunsmoke's place as a cornerstone of American entertainment. Experience the adventures of Dillon, Miss Kitty, Doc Adams, and Chester Proudfoot as they navigate the challenges of life and law on the frontier. Don't miss a moment of these timeless stories—tune into Daily Gunsmoke for your daily dose of the Wild West.

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03 Jul 2024
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Now post-toasties, the heat-good conflicts, is proud to present, gun smoke. Around Dodge City and in the territory on West, there's just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers. And that's with a U.S. Marshal and the smell of gun smoke. Gun smoke, the story of the violence that moved West with young America. The story of a man who moved with it, Matt Dillon, United States Marshal. Say there, next time you hear a crackling noise in your kitchen, better get up and investigate. Maybe somebody just couldn't wait for his breakfast of crackling crisp post-toasties. And that's a treat you shouldn't miss. Post-toasties, you know, are the heat-good conflicts. Now after one taste, I'll bet anything you'll agree with me. Post-toasties is just the best thing that's happened to corn since the Indians discovered it. There's nothing quite like sweet, kernel corn flavor when it's toasted right in. Toasted into crisp, fresh corn flakes. Man, oh man, that's post-toasties, heat-good corn flakes. Better try 'em. And now, gun smoke, starring William Conrad. [Music] How long in a figure it'll take is to drive this herd into dodge after we've crossed the simmer on Larson. Well, it depends on how hard you want to push 'em, Brad. I hired you because I ain't been up here before. How far is it to dodge? Oh, 50 mile, maybe. Five easy days in. I don't want to bring them steers in too poor. It's the men that's got poor this trip, not the steers. There's a lot of Jews left in the men. Too much, maybe. Look at 'em. Oh, it's that old Indian that rode in a while ago. They're just having a little fun with 'em. They'd better take it easy. Don't tellin' how many warriors you've got to waitin' somewhere. Hey, cotton! Yeah, sellin' Indian to come over here. I want to talk to 'em. Yeah, he probably just wants a steer out of the herd. Well, I'm tired of givin' good beef away. You boss? My name is Tobeel. Tobeel, huh? What do you want, Tobeel? I guide cattle on trails to dodge. We don't need any, guide, chief. I know the trail. I have letter from Man in Dodge. You read. Let her tell you how good guide Tobeel is. Let's see your letter. Yeah, old time guide. Many years with army. Take scout. Well, why ain't you still with the army then? Too old now. What can guide cattle on trail to dodge? Very chief. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Why, you all liar. Tobeel's never lie. No, listen to this license. To whom it may concern. The name of this noble red man is Tobeel. He's a liar, a beggar, and a thief. What he wouldn't steal a pound cup couldn't pull out of a can yard. Give him some cold grub or a three cent drink if you have any about you. And then run him out of camp. Signed R. Durban, J.C. Wiser. Hey, they sure wrote him a good letter. No, no, no. Letter can't say that. They, my friends, they write letter. Help me get jobs. What you try to steal off of them? Tobeel never steal. No. Well, I'll take the word of a white man any day. Listen, you heard what the letter says. Have the boys run him off. Wait, letter lie. They fool me. Tobeel. A man with much honor among white men in army. This ain't the army. Run him off, I said. Come on, Chief. I leave, I leave alone. You leave all right and get going. Yeah. But these men die for this. If anybody dies, it'll be you. Three of them boys. Let's send them down the trail. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Wait, here comes Miss Kitty. Ah, so does. Hello, Kitty. Hello, Master. Miss Kitty. Miss Kitty? You're going to work a little early, aren't you? No, I'm just getting the breath of air. I'm sure it's going to be a nice evening, ain't it? For you, maybe. Oh, is there anything wrong, Kitty? Just that trail heard across the river. Dog will soon be full of drunken cowboys. Oh, look into trouble. We'll handle them, Miss Kitty, don't you worry. Er, at least Mr. Dillon will. Shooting him's easy. I got to talk to him. Are you going to always quit, Kitty? Sure. You do what? He's Sunday school? Oh, well, you're mine. You talk like a Texan yourself, man. You know what one of them told me once? He said I reminded him of his mother. He really said it. Well, that sounds nice, Miss Kitty. I thought so, too, Chester. Till he got real drunk and told me his mother was the first woman to be hung south of San Antonio. She was? Who hung her? Probably he did. Oh, now, Miss Kitty, no man would hang his own mama. Play it, just ain't... Marshall? Yeah. We come to warn you. Um, warn me about what, Mr. My name ain't Mr. Er, it's Wyser. The partner's name here is Durbin. Aren't you telling my own name, Wyser? Shut up. No. Marshall? That Indian's going to get itself hurt. What are you talking about? That Indian. Cross the street there. See him? Uh-huh. Now, that's Tobile. You know him? That's the trouble, was it? He keeps wiling us around. Says he's going to kill us. Tobile? That doesn't sound like him. Well, it's true. 'Tis, you ask me. He's been hottin' us for four days. It just stands around staring at us and saying we're going to die. I'd have shot him long ago, but I hear that's against the law around here. Where are you men from? Wyoming territory. Why'd you know Tobile? We've been in Dodge a couple of weeks. Seen him around here. Now, what's the trouble between you? Well, we... He... He played a little joke on him, is all. Made him mad, I guess. We told him he could get a job guiding trail herds into Dodge, give him a letter. He thought the letter said how good he was, but it really said he was a thief and run him out of camp. I see. And he tried to use your letters, is that it? I guess so. Went away for a couple of days, and since he got back, he keeps saying he's going to kill us. It's getting on my nerves, Marshall. I'll shoot him, sure. You'll shoot anybody, and you'll hang for it, wiser. I'll wait here, I'll go talk to him. I gotta go to work, Matt. Okay, Kitty, I'll see you later. And you two heroes. You're pretty funny. I hope he does kill you. Why, you... Hold it, wiser. Watch him, Chester. Yes, sir. Hello, Tobias. Hello, Marshall. Tobias, those two men over there say that you've threatened to kill them. Is that true? Did I? They told me the story, Tobias. I'm sorry it happened, but you can't kill men for that. Tobias, old, but still proud. You know what'll happen if you do kill him, don't you? You'll go to jail and probably hang for it. No. Tobias, never in jail. Man with much honor. Look, Tobias, I got no use for wiser and driven. Neither one of them could be much good, but the law is the law. Tobias, no kill. Tobias' medicine kill. Make very strong medicine against him. How do you work all the medicine you want, but don't you do any killing yourself and stay away from him, Tobias? You're making him jumpy. There might be trouble if you don't. Tobias, not trade. They carry guns, Tobias. Oh, you've got some knife. Remember that. Yes. I remember. All right. Tell him, Marshall. Yeah. You men didn't understand him. He's not threatening to kill you himself. He's making Indian medicine against you, that's all. Well, then why does he keep saying we're going to die? Why is he always following us around? He thinks his medicine will kill you. I guess he wants to be there when it does. There's no harm in it. And I'm wanting you a gun, both of you. You leave him alone. You do anything to that old man, and I'll throw you in jail. Look, Marshall, that letter started all this. That was Weister's idea, not mine. It sure was. Any idea we've ever had's been mine? Oh, I never did need you, Derby. Oh, it's not so. Who did your dirty work up to Cheyenne? You did. Yeah. You flew? I sure didn't. You still owe me for it. Shut up. So you ain't going to do nothing about that, Indian, Marshall. I know Tobille pretty well, and I'll personally guarantee his word. Nobody's going to do anything about him, including you. Good day, gentlemen. Mr. Dylan? Good morning, Chancellor. Good morning. Mr. Dylan, they just carried that fellow Weiser up to dogs. Well, what happened to him? I don't know. Well, let's go see. Mr. Dylan? Good morning, Chancellor. Good morning. Mr. Dylan, they just carried that fellow Weiser up to dogs. Well, what happened to him? I don't know. Well, let's go see. Mr. Dylan. Mr. Dylan. Well, what happened to him? I don't know. Well, let's go see. You see him, Chester? No, sir. I just saw a couple men coming downstairs, and they said I'd better go get you. That's all he said. Oh, hello, man. What happened to Weiser, Doc? Well, for one thing, he's been stabbed, man. Oh? Bad. Not to kill him. The men who carried him up here said they found him lying in an alley this morning. He's been dead all three, four hours, I'd say. And there's something else, man. Take a look here. What? Somebody hit him on top of the head, Doc? No. No. They didn't hit him. He's been scalped, Chester. Indian style. Hey, how are morning appetites at your house? Well, if they're pretty drowsy, here's a real good way to wake him up. What a bowl full of toasties, the heat-good corn flakes at everybody's place. Just watch your folks take notice when they see how crisp toasties are. And wait till they taste that sweet kernel corn flavor toasted in. Bet your whole tribe will agree with you. Post toasties are the best thing that's happened to corn since the Indians discovered it. And here's a thought, if you'd like to make a good thing even better. Try topping toasties with your favorite fruit. You'll find that's a mighty good way to start today. Fact is, it's a downright delicious way. So next time you shop, be sure to ask for post toasties. They're the heat-good corn flakes. You'll see. Post toasties, heat-good corn flakes. The best thing that's happened to corn since the Indians discovered it. Heat-good corn flakes, post toasties, heat-good corn flakes. Now back to gun smoke. It was pretty hard for me to accept the idea that Tobiel had murdered and scouted Weiser. But the evidence seemed plain enough. The old Kayawa had been a highly valued army scout for over 30 years. And then it moved into a little hut at the edge of Dodge when he grew too old for active service. He'd lived quietly and never given anyone any trouble at all before. But Weiser and Durban had injured his pride with their so-called joke. And Tobiel had evidently reacted in the only way he knew. Now I had to arrest him. Chester and I walked out to his hut. And just as we reached it, Durban came running up. We told you, Marshall, isn't we? We told you that engine was going to kill somebody. Did you see it happen, Durban? No, no, I went to bed. Why, she was doing a little gambling. That dirty red skinny got him on the way home. It hasn't been proved either. Of course he did it. Who else would scalp a man? I don't know. Look, here, look at that here, Marshall. Look, right here. There, hanging right on to his hut like he was bragging about it. Well, Mr. Dillon, that's a scalp. Yeah. He was dying it in the sun, that's what he's doing. The murdering devil. You two stay here. I'll see if he's inside. Yes, sir. Come outside, Tobiel. I've got you now, Tobiel. Let's bring him up, Marshall. Right here. Shut up, Devon. Tobiel, did you kill Wyser last night? Wyser? Kill? Stabbed with a knife and scout. He died. Durban there, he died too. You see, Marshall? He even admits you. I told you to stay out of this, Devon. Not on the strike, Tobiel. Did you kill him? Tobiel, you'll kill. Tobiel's medicine kill. And what's Wyser's scalp doing there? Scalp? Right there. Yeah. Wyser's scalp, all right. Where's your knife, Tobiel? Here, my knife. Look out, Marshall, you're using it. No, I won't. Give me your knife, Tobiel. Yeah, that looks clean to me. Wait a minute. Of course, he's had plenty of time to get clean. You think I kill Wyser with knife? Did you? Medicine kill Wyser. Tobiel, no kill. How'd Tobiel, I'm gonna have to arrest you. You'll have to go to jail. Jail? No. Tobiel, man with too much honor for jail. I'm sorry, Tobiel, but you'll get a trial. Let's hang him now, Marshall. Indians don't need no trial. I'm a law here, Devon. Don't you start anything like that? Big disgrace, Tobiel in jail. Yeah, I know, but I can't help it. Chester, get that scalp. We'll need it for evidence. Yes, you. You ready to go to supper, Matt? Yeah, I'll be right with you, Doc. Chester, you better stay here and watch Tobiel alone. All right, Mr. Dylan? You can go eat when I get back. I'll see you later. Yes, you can. And I hear Tobiel's pretty unhappy about being locked up, Matt. Yeah, have a long talk with him, Doc. I'm afraid he's gonna be locked up for a long time. Oh, why is that, Matt? Well, no judge will hang him on circumstantial evidence. But he'll probably go to prison. He hasn't any kind of an hour by, Doc. Not at all. And if I know Tobiel, he'd rather hang than be in prison. Yeah, I'm afraid you're right. What's that? It came from the jail. Come on. Mr. Dylan? What happened, Chester? Somebody shot Tobiel. Right through the bars. Is he dead? He sure looked. Let me take a look, Kathy. All right, Doc. Get out the front, Chester, and come up the alley. Y'all, if you see anybody, I'll cover the back. Yes, sir. Mr. Dylan? All right, I'm coming, Chester. What is it? I saw it, Jeremy. He ran out of the next alley and went into the alpha gander there. All right, let's go get him. Must have been him that done it. Sure looks like it now. There he is. Forward to bar. Get out of the way, Chester. Yes, sir. Diamond! Here he is. Forward to bar. Get out of the way, Chester. Yes, sir. Diamond! You're under arrest, Devon. Unbuckle your gun belt and drop it on the floor. But for a marshal. Well, shouldn't Tobale. I seen Chester standing there when I come out the alley. Should have shot him too. Never mind the talk. Drop your gun. No. Shouldn't Tobale was a bad enough mistake, Devon. You finding out I did it was. See, I think Tobale must have saw me get why, sir, that the trial he, he, he, he just started talking. No. He was home alone making medicine against you. He had no alibi at all. And I, I killed him for nothing? Yeah, I hadn't killed him. He'd have probably been convicted. And you'd have gone free. Look, marshal, you can't prove that I, I killed why, sir. No. Well, then I ain't gonna hang for shooting no engine, not me. Don't try it, Devon. Why not? You, you hit him both times, Mr. Devon. Yeah. Want me to take care of it? No. Somebody else can do it. Let you and me go give Tobale a real fine burial, huh? I figure we kind of owe it to him. In just a moment, we'll tell you about next week's adventure on gun smoke. Say, mother, want to see your small fry eat a better breakfast than ever? Well, may I suggest that you dish him up some sugar crinkles to start with? Sugar crinkles, you know, make breakfast more fun than a circus. Sugar crinkles is the sugar rice treat that's just right sweet. It's high time to forget the sugar-coated cereals that seem too sweet to you, and those others that don't seem sweet enough to the kids. Just pour out crisp golden sugar crinkles and see how just right sweet a sugar-coated cereal can be. Just right sweet. Be sure to get several packages of sugar crinkles because they're great for snacks. Kids love them that way. Kids love them anyway. Try sugar crinkles, and you'll love them too. Remember, new sugar crinkles is the sugar rice treat that's just right sweet. [music] Gun smoke under the direction of Norman McDonald's stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon U.S. Marshall. Tonight's story was specially written for gun smoke by John Meston with music composed and conducted by Rex Corey. Featured in the cast were Lauren Stobkin, Ralph Moody, Byron Kane, Frank Gerstle, and Harry Bartell. Harley Bear is Chester, Howard McNeer is Doc, and Georgia Ellis is Kitty. Ken Peters speaking. Join us again next week as Matt Dillon U.S. Marshall fights to bring law and order out of the wild violence of the West in gun smoke. [music] Listen next week at this time when gun smoke will be brought to you by Sugar Crinkles, the sugar rice treat that's just right sweet. [music] Every day when you log into Chumbah, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose french fries over loaded french fries. I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at Chumbah now. [music] And live the Chumbah Life. BTW Group, no purchase necessary. We were prohibited by law and state terms and conditions of 18 plus. [music] Hey there, listeners. 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