Daily Gunsmoke

Gunsmoke - The Kentucky Tolmans - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Welcome to Daily Gunsmoke, your go-to podcast for diving into the legendary tales of Marshal Matt Dillon and the untamed landscape of Dodge City from the classic old-time radio series, "Gunsmoke." Join us every day as we explore a unique episode filled with high-stakes gunfights, complex moral issues, and the raw drama that cemented Gunsmoke's place as a cornerstone of American entertainment. Experience the adventures of Dillon, Miss Kitty, Doc Adams, and Chester Proudfoot as they navigate the challenges of life and law on the frontier. Don't miss a moment of these timeless stories—tune into Daily Gunsmoke for your daily dose of the Wild West.

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02 Jul 2024
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Gun smoke starring William Conrad, the story of the violence that moved west with young America, the story of a man who moved with it, Matt Dillon, United States Marshal. There. Reports finished, Mr. Dillon. Good. You better go on home now, Chester. It's getting late. Yes, sir. Oh, what about these new Dodgers? I'll just leave them there. I'll look them over. What's the matter, Mr. Dillon? Well, you got company at the back door. All right, come in, Mr. Dillon. Get your paws off of me. All right. Good girl. Sir, I'm a girl. What do you think I am? I'll put that long rifle away, and I'll tell you. What'd you get that thing anyway? Happy brought it with him from Kentucky. If it's any of your business, which it ain't by a dern sight. Uh-huh. What you doing? Hanging around in the alley? Get rid of him there and a little job at it. Huh? I see. Uh, Chester. Good night. Mm-hmm. Well, but I'm not going it. Yes, sir. Good night, Mr. Dillon. My gracious. You, Marshal, here? That's right, Miss. My name's Hannah. Hannah told me. You arrest folks, don't you? Well, if they've committed a crime, yeah. Well, then I got somebody for you to arrest. Oh, who? Pappy. Why? Because I said to, that's why. Somebody's been trying to kill him. I figure about the safest place for him is in jail. Oh, wait a minute. Slow down. Let's start at the beginning, huh? A few days ago, Pappy was bushwhacked up in the hills near our place. Oh, was he hurt? No. Sloved just bounced off in his head a little. Yesterday, the bushwhacker tried again. He missed. Sounds like a bad shot. Sure. But if he keeps trying, he may get lucky. So you put Pappy in jail until I can run down this ambushing jet, okay? You planned to cross guns with him yourself? I may be a girl, but I was barking squirrels while you were still trying to dent a tin can. Well, you better let me take care of it, Miss. And as for your father, I can't jail him without a charge. Sure, I know that. What kind of a charge do you want? Well, what kind do you have? Most any I reckon ain't it enough that he's drunk all the time? Not I can hold him overnight on that. What if he shoots up the town? That's five days we're disturbing the piece. That'll do. Well, where did he do this shooting? We ain't yet. He's down at the Alpha Gansa sloppin' up booze at that other old buzzard jingle-bob. Oh, the swamp-er? Yeah, that's one. You'd best be somewhere around the saloon in a few minutes. I got a feeling Pappy's about due to bust the law again. Her story didn't make much sense, but there was something about the mountain girls gleaming black eyes and the set of her pretty but stubborn face that made me go to the Alpha Gansa. At the bar, I ordered a glass of rye and watched two be whiskered old-timers trying to out-lie each other over a rapidly emptying bottle. Yes, a jingle-bob. You just wait and see, Ed Tillman's gonna have the biggest damn horse-ranchin' Kansas come spring. Oh, sure, yeah, absolutely. And me, where I, I reckon I'll just buy off this year's saloon. Oh, you're lying. Well, sure I am, ain't you? What's my money worth spending in it? How many times I gotta tell you, I'm gettin' rich. Yeah, see, here you go. If I ain't, I've been wasting a sigh of time, not even a loan daughter. Go home when you belong. I'm going. I only come over to tell you, man, bet me ten dollars you couldn't shoot out that lamp on the first shot. What's this? Oh, give me that ride. All right, hold on, that's enough of that. Stay back, son. Now, go collect your ten dollars, daughter. Yeah, Pappy. But I think the marshals, here's the fixing to arrest you. Ain't you, Masha? Yeah, I guess I am. All right, come along, Jeff. Come on. Come on. Come on. You jailin' a man by having a little phone. Why, you'd never get away with this back in Kentucky. Jeff, you're in trouble, aren't you? Who's tryin' to kill you? No, reckon that's my business. Now, that's the law's business. I'll take care of myself, Masha. Back in the salon there, you mention havin' money and gettin' more. So? What I've heard you and your daughter run a two-bed horse ranch up in the hills that hardly figures to make you rich. So? Ah, you thick-headed old. Look, all I'm doin' is tryin' to save your skin if it's in danger. Now, why don't you help me instead of bein'? Reckon, I don't wanna. Well, it's plain enough. Morning, Chester. Morning, Mr. Dillon. You better take a look at this new Dodger. Huh? Want it for robbery and murder? Vic Tolman. So that murderous gun hawk is loose again, huh? Broke out of prison last week. Yeah. If he's kin to dead Tolman, he'll like to be headin' this way. Yeah, likely. I'll give you a hunch, Chester. I think he's here already. You do? You know who he is? Not exactly. But I expect Hannah Tolman may have an idea. That's where I'm headin'. Now, that's what I like to see. A man-sized appetite. This wonderful corn phone. Now, I'm a good cook. Been cookin' for Pappy ever since Ma died 10 years ago. Huh? Yeah, take pretty good care of it. Somebody has to. Pappy's kind of shiftless. That can heat starve if I didn't feed him. The only thing he cares about are wild horses and booze. And a pinch he'd give up horses. You know, you're quite a woman, Hannah. You're pretty, brave, and that more courage than most men I know. Too quick, Marshall. What? You're sweetin' me up for some reason. Not that I mind, you understand. I'm partial to a strappin' fella like you, and Pappy's always after me to get hit stuffed. 'Cause it ain't fittin' for me to be 22 without a man. Oh, you're still young? Not the mountain, folk. I know I'm made. And I'm agreeable for some sweet talk. Only I don't trust yours. What are you after, Marshall? All right, Hannah. I only want the truth. About what? Where's your father gettin' this money he's spendin'? I wish I knew. Who shot at him? I don't know, but I'm aimin' to find out. Where's Vic? Where's he hidein', Hannah? Who? Vic Tolman, your brother. Or maybe he's your cousin. Brother. Where? I don't know. Hannah be sensible, Vic's a murderer. Vic's my kin. We Tolman's don't turn on each other. If you shall er him, you're guilty of- Marshall, I reckon you just wore out your welcome. [music] How did prison rule stand up and face me? Judge Tolman, you've been found guilty of disturbing a piece. Sentence of this court is five days in jail, or a hundred dollars. A hundred? Or judge? Ain't that a much steep, just a hundred dollars or five days? I ain't got that much on me, but I can get it if you let me go. Just a minute. Hold her in the course. Now, what's the meaning of this interruption? I want to pay this man's fine, you honor? That's your privilege, sir. A hundred dollars. Be the clerk. Yes, sir. Dick Currie, somebody's been turning over rocks. Well, I don't know him, but he's sure a friend. Looks like I ain't going with you, Marshall. Yeah, it looks like, but in your boots I wouldn't be happy. Currie's one of the worst killers you had on the hunt. Oh, man, is that a way to talk about me? I'm clear with the law. Come on, Mr. Tolman. Go ahead, Jed, and say hello to Vic for me. Vic? Oh, no. Mr. Currie, is that true? What's the difference who put up there, 100? Come on. No, no, not even it's Vic. No, you can't make me. I said, come on. Marshall, don't let him take me. Oh, shut up and come on before me. Currie. Stay out of this, Marshall. I don't think so. You paid his fine. You didn't buy him. He's going with me in that. Don't try to stop me. I can't imagine anything that would give me more pleasure. You don't like living, do you? Very much. Now, just anytime you feel like it. No, not here, Matt. I'll pick my spot. Yeah. I'll try not to turn my back on any dark alleys. Do that. And tell them, I'll be seeing you again. [Music] We'll return for the second act of gun smoke in just a moment, but first, strength against aggression calls for guns, tanks, planes, and explosives in tremendous quantity. It calls for other things too. Moral strength, based on equality of opportunity for all, and economic strength, which today can be based only on continued high output of civilian goods. America must produce, as she never has before, war material, civilian goods, and democracy. Only an all-out effort in all three directions will give us security against aggression. Now the second act of gun smoke. It's a stone motion. Why don't we play while we wait? No thanks, Jingle Bob. You didn't even wait with us. Jett, my friend, Mr. Don. Sure. I mean, I can't help him, none, but at least I can share whatever the trouble is. Understand? Mm-hmm. Now, Jett here is a lion-hole, ring-tailed drunk, but me. Man is down to scrubbing saloon floors just to get the liquor that'll keep his nerves shaking apart. He's grateful for any friendship it's over. Don't move. Kerry, get his gun. That's right. You recognize me, Mark? Yeah, that's right. Yeah, Vic Tobin. There are dodgers out on you. You're cool, darling. Too bad we're on opposite sides of the fence. Yeah, it's too bad, real pity. Now I'm going to enjoy this job. What job? Don't you know, Vic's taking his paw away from you. But you won't mind. You'll be dead. Kerry used to take care and take care of these two. Jett and I go on the head. Oh, son, son, I don't want to go nowhere. Now, Paul, don't rile me. You're going with me. None of you are going any place, Vic. Check. What? Where? Reach high, both of you, and let go of that hard way. Now, you better do as he says. There's Chester's a little nervous with that shotgun. As mine looks like the odds are with you, so... You might as well get rid of that spare in your boot, Vic, before you run into any temptations. You got sharp eyes, Marshall. The law gets a lot of backing up tonight. Your mistake, Vic. Sometimes people just don't give Chester enough credit. A child's time. Your mistake, fried potatoes, stewed corn. Marshall, I must say you run a nice jail. Don't he, Kerry? Don't mind, Kerry. He's a little depressed about last night. You still run a nice jail. Something on your mind, Marshall. Yeah, a couple of things. Such as your father's spending money, he hasn't earned. Claim it to know where he can get more. Paul's sure a terrible liar. Such as him getting shot at twice and refusing to talk about it, or help me investigate. Paul's a little bashful, too. Such as he's being afraid of you. Well, just Paul's getting old, little daughter-y. Yeah. Now, of course, there's you. Well, now you're on my favorite subject. Go on. Well, you're a killer and a thief, but you're cool and smart. Smart enough to educate yourself. There's lots of time to read in the pen. Lots of time. Do you're going to have more? But not much more, but you're going to hang for those guards that you killed. Maybe. Kerry, ain't she going to eat that? Now, go on about being being smart. You're smart enough to know the most dangerous place for you to go after you escape was here. Well, it looks like I ain't as smart as you think. It depends on what reason you had for risk in coming here. Well, that's your good coffee. First jail I was ever in where the coffee was fed to drink. Oh, thank you. Okay, Marshall, just what was my reason? Reason was money. Money? Cash. It's the only thing that'll give you a chance to get out of the country. You're in for a robbery as well as murder. How much of the loot was recovered? Well, you know how it is, Marshall. It usually come easy, go. I spent it as fast as well, nearly as fast as I got it. So nothing was recovered, huh? No, it was all gone. It was all hidden, you mean? Hidden until Jed found it. Paul? Sure. That's his source of money. It's also why he was afraid to go with you. Like I said, too bad we're on opposite sides. You got brains when you use them. You want to fill in the details for me? I'll tell you this, you're right about my cash or money. I'd have had it and be on my way to Mexico by now. Paul hadn't switched hiding places on me. You know, it hurts. Paul's turning against me. Yeah, yeah. The Tolman's always stick together, except when money's involved. How about you, Marshall? Money by you? Sky's a limit. I'm sorry. Well, I'll figure not. Well, been a nice chat. Won't take you straight. Hurry, give me a high up. All right, backup curry. That's it. Until Vic when he wakes up, he'll take it easy. Or he won't live to be hung. Hey, jingle bob. You seen Jed? Sorry, Marshall. I don't know where he is. Been looking for him myself. Golly, I'm cool. He must have left town last night. He ain't too cool. I got an old jacket you can have. I'd rather have a shot. Better steal two shots. You got the jumps? Oh, he's got him. Except one for booze. Fine, you won't believe it, but there was a time when I couldn't stand the taste. A hard liquor made me sick. No, I can't live without it. Yes, you can. Maybe let's say I don't want to. Let's say that... Here. Go buy yourself a drink. Hey, hey, yeah, it's enough for a whole bottle. There we change it. See you later, Marshall. Supper time, Chester. Chester, you all right? The prisoners? Gone. Hannah Tohmann slipped him a gun and they made me open up the cell and Vick slugged me. Well, I know where they'll go. Please, Mr. Dylan, take me along. It was my fault they escaped. All right, Chester. Ask Dr. Put a quick patch on that head and we'll go after him together. (Music) It's starting to get dark. Yeah. Why'd we leave the road back there? I wanted to reach that rise, Chester. But we circled around to come up the backside. Does that have something to do with you bringing binoculars? Yeah, it does. Vick Tohmann will know he'll be followed. I want to see what kind of a surprise he has for us. I'll pull up. You wait here. See anything? No. Not yet. Now what? I know now. Yeah, it's curry, all right. He's holding up in some brush just beyond the turn and the road down there. Well, what do we do, Mr. Dylan? Take the horses and circle back the way we came. Start up the road. But don't make the turn. I understand. Now be sure. As long as you don't make the turn, you'll be safe. But I do want you to make some noise. Noise? Yeah, I want you to sing, whistle, throw rocks, anything. Just as long as that holds curry's attention. It was slow work crawling down through the brush, but finally I was only 10 feet behind Curry's position. The gunman was holding a rifle trained on the turn. And out of sight coming up the road, I could hear Chester. And he wasn't good, but he was loud. Good, around that turn, bless you. All right, don't turn around, Curry. You may have a point, but I like Chester. Bad singing and all. Now lay the rifle aside. And I'm buckling your gun belt, now careful. That sure sure only don't shoot. Okay, Chester. Chester! I didn't mean no harm, I was only going to scare him. Yeah, I was Vic. At the Tom and the house. Waiting for Jed to show her. Uh-huh. All right, put your hands behind your back. I'm going to tie you up and leave you here. What? Leaving you here. Yeah, we'll pick you up on the way back to town. [Music] It was dark when Chester and I were moving through the trees up to the Toman shack. There was a light in the front. And through a window we could see the figure of Hannah Toman moving around. Just a girl. Yeah, Vic's there. He just stand out of sight so Jed won't be scared off. Uh-oh. She's coming out. Heading his way. And there must be a well out here. She's carrying a bucket. And behind that tree quick and I'll take this one. What do you think, Jack? All right, not quiet down. We're not going to hurt you. Stop fighting. Chester, grab her legs quick. Yes, sir. I was saving these handcuffs for Vic, but I guess they'll do for you. There. How do you promise to be quiet or do we gag you? All right, have it your way. Chester, give me your bandana. Yes, sir. There, that should do it. All right, stay with her, Chester. I'm going for Vic. That was halfway to the shack when inside Vic Tobin became suspicious. Suddenly the lights went up. And the door opened. And the shadowy figure swept out to stand. Listening. Hannah? Hannah, answer me. Drop 'em, Vic. Who is that? I can't see. Matt Dillon. Throw down those guns, you're under arrest. Not this time. Vic. Yes. You're right, Marshall. I ain't going to live to hide. Vic. Mr. Don, over here. Yeah, what is it, Chester? Who's that, Jed? Yes, sir. I caught him sneaking towards the house. He was carrying his bag. Here, let me see. That's the money. I was taking it to Vic. Is he? Yeah. You're too late, Jed. Oh, no. Hard to give him his money. If only he hadn't taken them shots at me. He didn't. Until he found out where the money was hidden. He was the last person in the world to want you dead. But, uh, I don't understand. He must know. No. Only the person who knew where you had the money would have shot at you. Nobody knew that. How could they? You talk a lot when you got drunk, Jed. You only got drunk with one person. Huh? You mean, you mean jingle bob? Yeah. Yeah. I remember. I was bragging. Told him all about finding it and switching hiding places. Well, that low down snake. And him pretending to be my friend. Come on, Jed. I'll help you very thick. Then we'll get back to Dodge. We told him, sure have had a bad week. [Music] Gunsmoke, under the direction of Norman McDonald, stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshall. Tonight's story was specially written for Gunsmoke by Herb Perdom with music composed and conducted by Rex Corey. Featured in tonight's cast were Virginia Greg, Joseph Kearns, and Junius Matthews with Harry Bartell, Lou Krugman, and Peter Leeds. Parley Bear is Chester. Join us again next week as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshall, fights to bring law and order out of the wild violence of the West in Gunsmoke. [Music] Remember, America must produce as she never has before. She must produce war materials, civilian goods, and above all, democracy. Only an all-out effort in all three directions will give us security against aggression. George Walsh speaking and remember, gangbusters goes into action Saturday nights on the CBS radio network. [Music] [Music] With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking, we've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. 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