Daily Gunsmoke

Gunsmoke - Twelfth Night Helen Kleebreused script - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Welcome to Daily Gunsmoke, your go-to podcast for diving into the legendary tales of Marshal Matt Dillon and the untamed landscape of Dodge City from the classic old-time radio series, "Gunsmoke." Join us every day as we explore a unique episode filled with high-stakes gunfights, complex moral issues, and the raw drama that cemented Gunsmoke's place as a cornerstone of American entertainment. Experience the adventures of Dillon, Miss Kitty, Doc Adams, and Chester Proudfoot as they navigate the challenges of life and law on the frontier. Don't miss a moment of these timeless stories—tune into Daily Gunsmoke for your daily dose of the Wild West.

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01 Jul 2024
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The first man they look for and the last they want to meet. It's a chancy job and it makes a man watchful and a little lonely. [Music] Ah, good morning, Doc. Chester. Good morning, Mr. Dillon. Come and have some coffee with us, Matt. You've got nothing to do in your office. No, but in there, people can't see me doing it. Oh, it's no use to hide. They're on to you anyway. You know, I don't think the Christmas season has made you any more charitable at all, has it, Doc? Well, I am not a man to be good on Sunday and sin all week. If that's what you mean. Well, you're honest if nothing else. Oh, I don't know. Hey, look at that fellow. Hey, what politics? Yonder, cross the street there, in the Koonskin. That's the tallest man I ever saw. And that rifle, he's carrying as long as he is. He sure looks out of place in Dodge, don't he? He is out of place, Chester. That's a squirrel hunting southern mountain, Matt. He's coming over here. Look at him walk. Yeah. If everybody had legs like that, the Santa Fe railroad would go out of business. Oh, my, he's from the hills, all right. Well, at least he ain't another gunman, Mr. Dillon. It has something to be thankful for. Howdy. How long? Which of you be the, what do you call them? Do you mean the Marshall? That's the word. I never heard it till a fellow told me this morning. Well, I just mean the peace officer. I'm again peace officers. He ain't fitting for some folk to be meddling in other folks business. Where do they figure it like that stranger, Ozark Mountains? Better country than this. My name's Eben Hakes. Well, my name is Dillon. There's Chester Proudfoot and Doc Adams. Nice. Peace officer. A man said you'd help me find where that jot monger is living. Jot monger? Yeah. He come out here about a year ago. He's got an old mountain gal with him. They're married. Yeah, they got a place up near Rock Springs, about, uh, oh, 10 miles north of here. I'll find it. Uh, you've come a long way to see your friend, Hakes. Jot monger ain't exactly a friend, peace officer. But I got to get going. It'd be inside of day and all. Well, what Saturday got to do with it? Nothing. Except I won't kill no man over Sunday. I never have. I never will. [Music] People everywhere are finding the Chesterfield packs more pleasure. Yes, Chesterfield packs more pleasure because it's more perfectly packed. For the more perfectly packed your cigarette, the more taste and mildness are released for you. And Chesterfield made with Acure is more perfectly packed than any cigarette ever could be before. Firm and pleasing to the lips, mild, yet deeply satisfying to the taste. An Acure Chesterfield has an open, easy draw that unlocks all the pleasure of fine tobaccos. So remember, Chesterfield packs more pleasure. By Chesterfield, mild, yet they satisfy the most. [Music] Jot monger's face don't look no better than it ever did, does it? Ah, not much, Chesterfield. No, look at that form, his monger. Out doing chores usually. I wonder where Jot is. A sleep somewhere is probably. Morning, Miss Monger. Howdy. Howdy, ma'am. Harley. Ah, is Jot here, ma'am? Ah, today, one Saturday he'd be here. Jot goes to dog, ever Saturday. He does. I never see him. Ah, if he socialized more, you'd see him. Jot's got his ways, marshall that lonesome, but there he isn't. I see. Miss Monger, do you know a man called Eben Hakes? If you speak that name round here, you won't be welcome, marshall. Ah, there's trouble between you. If you call Jot being the only monger left and even being the only Hakes left, then you could say there's trouble. Ah, you mean it's a feud. Well, family's been whittled down to just them, too. I see. Is that why Jot came out to Kansas to get away from it? Not if he's always talking about going back long enough to kill Eben Hakes. Ah, well, what do you think, ma'am? Don't you think it's gone far enough? Either one of them could call it off if he won so mule. How did this feud start, ma'am? If you had any upbringing, you wouldn't ask. It's a family matter. Where'd you see Eben Hakes anyway? Well, he was in Dodge asking about Jot. He was asking, and he'll find him, and that's bad. Jot don't even know he's around. Oh, that's why I came out here. Jot knew about him, I wouldn't worry. Jot's a better shot than Eben Hakes any day. Look, Miss Munger, the law doesn't hold with Feuden. Whichever one kills the other, he'll hang for it. You start meddling, they'll shoot you. But I'm worried about Jot. He'll be drunk soon as his dog. Well, I'll find him, ma'am. Goodbye. Goodbye. Is all hell people like that, Mr. Dunne? Other mighty independent, Justin. Well, the law sure don't seem to mean much to him. Yeah, not when it comes to Feuden. Now, look over there, with that little bluff there. Well, for now, how did he get here? I don't see no horse. Hell, let's go ask him. Hello, Hakes. That joth, mongers, plays yonder, peace officer. Yeah. Good. I'll get a little closer and shoot him when he comes out. You don't care whether you hang or not, do you? Hang, you're shooting the monger? Shooting anybody. Do you ever hear a murder? Peace officer, you're getting downright contrary. Where's your horse, Hakes? I've got no horse. Well, you left him in dodge? I don't need no horse to travel by. You mean you walked all the way from the Ozarks? It's mostly downhill, peace officer. But I'd walk anywhere is to get me monger. Well, maybe I ought to throw you in jail. Now you are being meddlesome. I gotta get closer to that house. And don't you fret none about your lady. I don't aim to shoot her. Mr. Dylan, you gonna let Hakes wait here and shoot John? I'll let him go, Justin. Let's get back to dodge. We'll find Joffin warning. Mind you, just let him shoot each other and have done with it. Don't tempt me, Chester. Chester, you go at Sam if he's seen Joff, huh? Okay. Evening, Kitty? Hello, Mass. How are you, Ben? It's pretty near midnight. I've been trying to stop a feud. What the long times has I've heard of a feud around dodge? This one kind of got transplanted from the Ozarks. The Ozarks? One of that crazy Joff monger isn't mixed up in it. How about Joff, I'm looking for. You are? How about an ever saloon in dodge? You must have a cave somewhere. I'll bet your dollar is right out back, Matt. Out back? Sure. He's there every Saturday night. Scumbs in and buys a bottle of corn from Sam and takes it out back and drinks it. Sit there all along with his long rifle and one hand and his bottle and the other. Nobody knows what he's thinking. No, no wonder I haven't seen him around. Hey, you're still in Sam's room. Oh, oh, Miss Kitty. Hello, Chester. Yeah, Kitty just told me, Chester. Go out back and see if he's there if he is bringing in, huh? Right. Well, who's Joff feuding with, Matt? Man called even Hakes, Kitty. Is he from the Ozarks, too? Yeah, he arrived today on foot. On foot? Yeah, he's all legs. Real traveling, Matt. Hey, I'd like to see him. Hey, he's got a face like a hatchet and he's built like a piece of wire. Oh, well, Betty carries a long rifle, too. He does. Here he is, Mr. Goon. I made him leave his rifle with Sam. Hello, Joff. You just up and say what you want, Marshall, 'cause I don't care to be cooped up inside here very long. Even Hakes is looking for you, Joff. Of course he is. Mongers and the H's been looking for each other nine to 40 years. They most all got found, too. Given drinking, Joff. Well, the Misses won't lie on no drinking on the place, Marshall, so I got to come town every Saturday. Joff, Mongers. It's Hakes, Mr. No? Got out of the way, Kitty. Yes, sir, well. I got you caught like a burr for tree, Joff. Put your rifle down, Hakes. You're gonna kill me. I ain't even got no gun. But a down, I said. You're standing in the way, piece officer. And I'm gonna stay here. And I'll have to shoot you first. You're not gonna shoot anybody. Of course I am. That's what I come for, ain't it? Don't try it. Now, here, wait a minute, everybody. I just thought of saying it. I wished all you folks had stopped meddling in it. In after midnight, Hakes. What? It's Sunday. Sunday? Ah, it's right, Hakes. Well, of all the gallblamed luck. Oh, quit looking so troubled, Joff. I won't shoot no man of a Sunday. Even the Monger. But you come awful close to it, Eden. It's a dog-gone shame. It took me so long to find you today. You traveled a long way, Eden. I know. But I got tired waiting for you to come on back home, Joff. I was coming. I was coming this summer. I know. But your old lady told me about it today. I seen her scratching around doing chores. That ain't much of a place you got there, Joff. Be quiet, Chester. Ooh, fella can make a crop here sometimes, Eden. But it's a hard fight with a short stick. I didn't see no hogs out there. Where's your hogs, Joff? I'm getting some come spring. Eden, house things back home. Well, there's been a lot of changes since you left. Eden, yeah. I got a little jug out back. It's most empty now, but we can maybe buy another one set out there for spell. Kind of get soured on the cob. What say, Eden? Might as well. We can't do no shooting or money. Where at do we buy this jug? I'll show you. Fell over here, sir. You'll have to lend me some money. I didn't bring that. Well, if they don't be, oh, Mr. Dunn. Yeah. Looks here like they're going to call that feud off. Nah, not them, Chester. Midnight tomorrow, they'll be stalking each other all over again. Well, how are you going to stop them? Hell, I'll let them enjoy themselves tonight. But tomorrow, I'm going to throw them both in jail. And I'm going to stay there until they learn something more than feuding. People everywhere are finding the Chesterfield packs more pleasure. Yes, Chesterfield packs more pleasure because it's more perfectly packed. For the more perfectly packed your cigarette, the more taste and mildness are released for you. And Chesterfield, made with Acure is more perfectly packed than any cigarette ever could be before. Firm and pleasing to the lips, mild, yet deeply satisfying to the taste. And Acure Chesterfield has an open, easy draw that unlocks all the pleasure of fine tobaccos. So remember, Chesterfield packs more pleasure. By Chesterfield, mild, yet they satisfy the most. I wasn't sure the jail had teach Jop and even a thing, but I still couldn't let them run loose and chew each other down. So the next morning, Chester and I were looking for them. We found where they built a small fire up back of the long branch. And we found a number of empty bottles, but that was all. We searched the town to noon with no luck. Then I decided to ride out to the monger place and see if by any chance Jop had returned. There was nobody inside when we got there. So we dismounted and walked up to the door. Hey Smoke, I'm not a chimney, Mr. Young. Yeah, that doesn't mean Jop's here, Chester. Well, no, I'm sure. Afternoon. Don't go away, Marshall. Now, wait a minute, Miss. If you don't want to get shocked, you'll do what I say. Friendly, ain't you? Yeah. Well, she didn't have no gun. It must be Jop in there. Yeah, probably. Well, if it is, why would he want to shoot you? Well, there's one reason I can think of. You mean he's gone and killed even Hakes? I don't know, Chester, but I'm sure gonna find out. They ain't gonna open it. Oh, there's a wonder around the side. You need a very clean window. That'll do. Hey, let me take a look. How long will it be? What is it, Mr. Young? Here, have a look yourself. All right. They're eating dinner. All three of them. Yeah, come on. Mm. I want to talk to the men, Ms. Monger, and I'm coming in. Josh? All right, stay away from those rifles. Why, he busted in. He busted in right past the woman. I never heard of a man coming into another man's house that way. If he had any upbringing, he wouldn't have him. It is the kind of people they got in Kansas, Josh. It's the first I see now. Never mind about that, Josh. Now, why did your wife threatened to shoot me? What's going on here? If you hadn't come to put them in jail, you wouldn't get shot, Marshall. How did you know I was gonna put them in jail? Even says you told him you was? Well, that's right. I didn't. If he killed anybody. I ain't killed nobody. If you saw, we stopped him. You stopped it. Sure. Last night, we got to talk in a little about old times and everything. You know what we found out? No, what? You tell him. Well, peace officer, this here feud started a long time ago. What happened was, my grandfather stole Josh's grandfather's girl and married up with her. So, Josh's grandfather declared a feud right then and there. But you ain't told him what we found out getting. Oh, well, we hadn't thought of it before, peace officer. But last night, we was thinking that if my grandfather hadn't done that, then Josh here would have been me. What? Don't you see? Otherwise, my grandmother would have married up with Josh's grandfather and I'd have been Josh. So, anyway, you look at it. We're kind of related like. Anyway, you looked at it last night, you mean? I saw them, brother. You know, it doesn't matter, Chester, as long as the feud is off. It ain't only off. Eden's gonna stay on here with us. We're gonna work this place together. I'm gonna give him a share in it, come Christmas. Come Christmas? It ain't far off. January 6th. Now here, wait a minute. Since when did Christmas get to be January 6th? If you knew anything, you'd know that. That's where I'm getting to know less and less, man. No, you folks don't understand. Back in Ozarks, we do our Christmas celebrating 12 days from when you do. Wait a minute, you're talking about 12th night. We call it Christmas, too. And if you only knew Marshall, it works just fine for us. Well, there's no reason why it shouldn't, man. That's an old custom. Thanks. Maybe you and Chester'd come out and celebrate with us. If they don't mind, crowd, and sour pickles, and corn, red, and coffee, they'll come. Now, ain't there gonna be no chitlings, woman? I was keeping them for a surprise. Gentleons or no chitlings, I'll be proud to come this monger. And me, too. Well, uh, we'll leave you to your dinner now, and, uh, we'll see you at 12th night. And now our star, William Conrad. Friends, at this time, I'd like to join with Ligon and Myers, the makers of Chester Field and LMM Filters. There are over 6,000 wholesale distributors and the 1,300,000 retail cigarette dealers. And wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. On the frontier, violent death might come to a man in a number of ways, and life around him served as a daily reminder. Gunfighting in the street, stampede and cattle, marauding Indians, hunger, thirst. There were a lot of ways to die, and most of them hard. But the westerner wasn't bothered by that. The important thing was when his time came that, well, that he'd die standing up, and in fine style. And that was the West. Good night. Guns folks, produced and directed by Norman McDonald, stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshall. Our story was specially written for Gun Smoke by John Messon, with music composed and conducted by Rex Corey, sound patterns by Tom Hanley and Bill James, featured in the cast where John Dainer, Helen Cleeb and Vic Perron. Harley Bear is Chester, Howard McDear is Doc, and Georgia Ellis is Kitty. Most accidents aren't really accidental at all. Only you can cause an accident. That's right. It's up to you to read and heed the safety signs, to keep your eyes on the road, to watch out for those curves ahead, and the car is driving along near you. Most drivers know how to operate a car, they know the traffic rules, they know that speeding, taking chances, failing to keep to the right of the line are dangerous hazards. Excellence happen because drivers do these things despite what they know. So while you are driving, remember that you and only you are responsible for your life and the lives of those driving with you. Drive carefully. Make today your big red letter day, your L&M red letter day, superior taste and filter, it's the miracle tip, make today your big red letter day, change to L&M today, L&M's got everything, superior taste, and superior filter, get L&M today. This is it, L&M, superior taste and filter, L&M, America's best filter tip cigarette. Join us again next week for another specially transcribed story as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshall, fights to bring law and order out of the wild violence on the west end, gun smoke. 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