Daily Gunsmoke

Gunsmoke - Stage Holdup - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Welcome to Daily Gunsmoke, your go-to podcast for diving into the legendary tales of Marshal Matt Dillon and the untamed landscape of Dodge City from the classic old-time radio series, "Gunsmoke." Join us every day as we explore a unique episode filled with high-stakes gunfights, complex moral issues, and the raw drama that cemented Gunsmoke's place as a cornerstone of American entertainment. Experience the adventures of Dillon, Miss Kitty, Doc Adams, and Chester Proudfoot as they navigate the challenges of life and law on the frontier. Don't miss a moment of these timeless stories—tune into Daily Gunsmoke for your daily dose of the Wild West.

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22 Jun 2024
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Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. Determine a competitive rent price, market the property, schedule the showing screen, tenants drop at the lease at a rent collection, handle maintenance request, maintenance application. Whew! Sound complicated? Renner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualify tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's warehouse. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over 100 social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today. At No purchase necessary. VGW Group, void rep prohibited by law. 18-plus, terms of condition supply. Around Dodge City and in the territory on West, there's just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers. And that's with the U.S. Marshall and the smell of gun smoke. [Music] Gun smoke starring William Conrad. The story of the violence that moved West with young America. The story of a man who moved with it. Matt Dillon, United States Marshall. [Music] The trip from Hayes City to Dodge was long enough horseback, but by stagecoach, it seemed endless. There were only two passengers besides me, and after the first hour on the road, we stopped talking. Just sit there and silence, waiting for the ride to be over. I'd been up late the last few nights, so I raced myself into one corner of the coach and fell asleep. I vaguely remember the stage pull into a stop and somebody shot me. But I came fully awake when the door was jerked open, and a man behind the bandana stuck a shotgun at my face. Get out of the coach, hands in front of you. It'll be a pleasure to blast you open. All right, take his gun, Charlie. Now, stand over there with a driver. [Music] The outcome you didn't start shooting when they stopped me, Marshall. Well, I was sound asleep, Hank. Well, I'm sure glad of that. If we put up a fight that fella with a shotgun, would have blowed me clean off the sea. Yeah. How many up, Martha? Just these two? It's all I've seen. Could be somebody with a rifle hiding in that clump of elder over there. Could be... Hey, that'll learn him, Charlie. Hey, look, he killed him, Marshall. Yeah, the man was a fool to try that. Go get the box down, Charlie. Fine, take this one to help you. I'll keep an eye on these two here. So, here to Marshall, huh? I am. Well, that green horn got itself killed. He shouldn't have tried to shoot Charlie. No, he shouldn't. Not with a little derringer. Charlie got hit right now. Yeah, I saw it. I just don't want nobody chasing us for murder. Under the circumstances, it was murder. It was, huh? Well, then the only thing to do is shoot the whole bunch of you and have done with it. No, you can't do that. Mr. I got a wife and two kids in Dodger. What I hear, Dodger ain't a very good place to raise a family anyway. Look, you're in enough trouble already. Besides, you didn't kill that man you're partner did. Yeah, that's right. It's Charlie they'll be after. How much money is it in that box, driver? I don't know. They never tell me. We'll find out he's got it open now. Load it in them saddlebags, Charlie. I got an idea. You're new at this game. Look, if a man was holding a shotgun on me and I was unarmed, I wouldn't have no ideas about nothing, Marshall. You always carry a shotgun, mister? Why? We might meet some time when you don't have one. You're going to make me shoot you yet? Hey, look, your partner's ready to go. Okay, don't you make a move till we're out of sight. We'll ride back and kill everyone. You understand? And I guess there is nothing we can do but stand here. That's all, Hank, for right now anyway. ♪♪ One time, it's taking a bit here. How? What'd you do, kitty? Burn your mouth again? Oh, darn it, yes. What do you mean again? Well, it seems like you always do. The coffee's hot enough. Thanks for the sympathy. As much as you gave me about the stagehold up the other day. All I said was I'm glad you were asleep. You know, let's safe with that boy. Now, being safe isn't exactly my main goal, kitty. Yeah, I know. How much money was there, Matt? Two thousand dollars. You'd think they'd have paid a man to ride shotgun. Did you have any idea who did it? No, they were both masked. I hear Wells Fargo put up a reward for him. Now there's a thousand dollars for the one who killed a passenger, dead or alive. They must want him real bad. That's not good for business. People getting murdered. What about the other one? Three hundred for his capture. And if you recover the stolen money, kitty, well, they'll give you half of it. If I found that money, that'd give me all of it. You'll end up in jail yet. Well, the Texas Trail isn't far from being a jail from me, anyway. I gotta get back there pretty soon, Matt. Sure. Hey, you! Waiter, come here and take this money, or I'll throw it at you. Another gentleman in town. Kitty, I don't want to turn around. What does he look like? All right, I think it's the one with the black beard. You heard me, Waiter. Get over here before I bust your neck. That's a one, all right. Is there anybody with him? No, he's alone. He's leaving now. Oh, good. No, no, don't stare at him. I don't want him to see me. Well, he's not even looking this way. He's going out the door, man. All right, come on. I want to follow him. Is that him ahead of us there? It's a big man, y'all. Who is he, Matt? I'm not sure. But he sounds an awful lot like somebody I want. You gonna arrest him? No, not 'til I'm sure. Maybe not even then. Look, he's going up the docks. Yeah, so he is. Uh, kitty, I'll leave you here. Okay, thanks for the supper, Matt. Sure, any time. Come on. Well, I might be real busy tomorrow. If I get that, it's all I meant. Goodbye, kitty. Well, man, that's a serious thing. It sounds like his arm is infected to me. How do you do it? Well, he just tore it on some wire. Well, why didn't you bring him into town? It might be gangrene. Is that bad? Bad. Well, he could lose the arm or even die. Where is he, anyway? Um, the prairie, you can't? Either some medicine or something I could take back to. Oh, oh, oh, hello, Matt. Good evening, Doc. Oh, go right ahead, I just came up for a smoke. Oh, sure, to sit down, sit down a minute. Oh, thanks. Now, look, mister, there isn't a medicine in the world. Never mind, Doc. But I'm telling you-- You'll get it. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Everything's okay. Yes. You better not wait too long. I'm warning you. I won't. We'll take care of everything tomorrow. Hold on. Oh, that man's crazy. That's right. No, he's not crazy, Doc. No, you should have heard him. I did. What do you mean you did? I was outside the door, Doc. Ah, he's going under the ole for Ganzak. I guess he isn't too worried. What's this all about, Matt? Ah, Doc, I'll explain it to you later. Right now, I gotta find Chester. Well, Chester, yes, he's down in the office. I just left him. Oh, good. I sure hope he's had a lot of sleep lately. What's he in? He's going to be pretty busy tonight. I'll see you later, Doc. [Music] I'll tell you, follow him all night, Chester. Oh, Mr. Dillon, I'm about ready to drop. Everything's getting hazy. Or is he in the restaurant? Yes, that's where he went. He gambled the entire night. That's where I don't know how he stays a week. I can't hardly keep my eyes open. Robert Roser to back a juice on him, Chester. That'll help. Oh, my goodness. He just come out the door. Ah, he's seen this. Stand steady. Yes, sir. Marshall? I, uh, I got a complaint. Now, is that so? Sure is. I had an idea this man's tracking me all night had something to do with you. Oh, how do you know I was following you? Mr. You might as well have been wearing snowshoots with cowbells tied on him. Now, that's not true. That's a dog on my mind. Never mind, Chester. Never mind. What is your complaint, mister? Well, you. Can't a decent citizen ride into the Dodge and do a little gambling without being haunted by your man here? Well, that depends on how decent the citizen really is. What name do you go by anyway? My own? Germo? Germo? Is that all there is to it? That's all? Yeah. Oh, Germo, I just didn't want you to leave town without my knowing about it. Why not? I ain't done nothing. But Doc told me about your partner. The one who tore his arm on some wire. What about him? I'm curious to see if you're going to take care of him, that's all. Well, of course I am. He'll die if you don't hurry. Well, I, I'm going after him. When? Well, it's no business he yours when. Anybody following me is likely to run into trouble. From a shotgun, Germo? I don't use a shotgun, Marshall. Your partner is dying, Germo. You're wasting time. And he's dying. He's my partner, not yours. I'll take care of him. Sure, sure, Germo. But you better hurry. [Music] We will return for the second act of gun smoke in just a moment. But first, since 1910, the work output of each of us has more than doubled. And the average annual income has gone from $2,400 a year to about $4,000. Yet about 18 hours has been cut off the average work week. These facts add up to the better we produce, the better we live. Now the second act of gun smoke. [Music] Chester had been up all night, so I sent him to bed. And I hired a Kiowa Indian I knew to keep an eye on Germo. But even though his partner was dying of gangrene, from the bullet wound he'd received at the stage hold up, Germo didn't leave Dodge that day, or the next. He knew I'd track him to their hideout and to the stolen money if he didn't. And he wasn't the kind of a man who'd risk his own neck just to save his partner's life. And since I had no real evidence yet, there was no use of resting. So, all I could do was wait. [Music] That Indian is a wonder to behold, Mr. Dylan. He hasn't slept a wink in two whole days and he don't even look tired. No, but Germo looked tired the last time I saw him. Oh, he's been sleeping regular. Yeah, I know. But all this is wearing him out just the same. And he's gotten pretty spooky. Well, I think he would with what he's got on his conscience. How about a rasatank if he knows another Kiowa who could spell him for a while. I think he's got a cousin around here somewhere. Oh, it makes my bones ache just to think about him not sleeping at all. Marshall, I got something to tell you. Huh? Who are you? My name is Verde, but I'm nobody, Marshall. Just a cowboy. Well, there's nothing wrong with being a cowboy, Verde. Sometimes there is, like yesterday. Oh, what's the trouble? I found a dead man, Marshall. Out on the prairie. How'd he die? Well, it looked to me like he got shot. That's why I come to you. Did you bury him? No. No, I... I wrapped a blanket around him, though. Huh, where is he, Verde? Not far from here. Maybe... 15 miles? Yeah, Chester. Yes, sir. Get our horses, we'll ride out and have a look. [Music] Yeah, he's still there, Marshall. Nothing's been eating on him. He sure got himself hid out here. My, you'd wonder anybody ever found him. Verde, you, uh, you want to take the blanket off of him. Sure. There. Yeah. Uh, how did you know he'd been shot? Well, his arm, it's all swole up, Marshall. And then, you see here, I noticed that bullet hole in his sleeve there. Yeah. Well, looks like you've made yourself a thousand dollars, Verde. What? Wells Fargo offered it for this man that are alive. He rubbed the stage a few days back. He did. Well, ain't I in luck. And there's another thousand for whoever finds the money, still. It's probably buried around here somewhere, don't you think, Mr. Dylan? Hey, that reminds me, I noticed something funny over there in the man's heels. Like the ground being dug up. Show us, Verde. Yeah. Sure, Marshall. Right over here, wait. There. See it? Right there? Right by that big one? Yeah. Come on, how did he clear? I think he's right, Mr. Dylan. Yeah, there's something buried here, all right? Yeah. Think I can see it? Yeah, there it is. Yeah, I got it. Hey, lookie there, Marshall. It's a money bag. And I found it, didn't I? Yes, you. That's right, Verde. Here, look at that. It's real money, all right. Marshall, I found it, so I get the reward, won't I? I knew where it was. Yeah, you sure did, Verde. We dug up the rest of the money and then made the hole into a grave. And we buried the dead man right there. [Music] On the way back to Dodge, I told Verde he could talk all he wanted about finding the bandit's body and the reward he'd collect for it, but that he wasn't to say a word about the money we'd recovered. He couldn't understand why, and I didn't explain it to him, but I warned him he'd never get a penny of either reward if he didn't do as I said. Back in town, I didn't let him out of my sight for the next two days. I figured it'd make Jimo pretty worried, and it sure did. You know, it's mighty good to get off of that prairie just for change. I think it would be. You don't come to town much, do you? I've never seen you around here before. Well, I've been too broke, Chester. Well, sir, it sure takes money to see the elephant in Dodge nowadays. I'll be able to afford it soon enough, ain't that right, Marshall? Ah, it looks that way, bird. Yeah, you've been mighty lucky. So far. What do you mean so far? Nothing, nothing. Evening, Marshall. Ah, hello, Jimo. This, uh, fellow, found your bandit for you? Yeah, I was just telling him how lucky he is. Yeah, you know, all that reward money. A thousand dollars, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, that's right. Is that all you're getting, mister? What do you, what do you mean, is that all? Well, there was more reward than that offered. Oh, you mean the stolen money? Oh, it's too bad about that, wasn't it, bird? We didn't, we didn't find no stolen money. You didn't. Oh, but look everywhere. There'd been some digging nearby, but, uh, there's nothing in the hole. Well, now, what do you make of that? Just plain disappeared, eh? Yeah, yeah, looks that way. Well, that's sure too bad, ain't it? But you can't have all the money in the world, mister. I ain't got all the money in the world. I'll see you later. Marshall, I, uh, did like you told me, I didn't say no. You did fine, bird, just fine. I can't do this. When we left the saloon a little later, I noticed germanos standing in the darkness of the alley, waiting. I was pretty sure he'd follow us as we crossed the plaza and walk up front street. When we reached Kelly's stable, bird wanted to go in and see if his horse had been fed, so we said good night and left him there. Chester and I walked on little ways, and we turned off the street. We went back, entered the stable from the rear. Inside we could hear voices, and we sneaked up from stall to stall until we were close enough to make them out. Tell me where the money is, bird. What did you do when it told you, german? Well, the marshals got it. We dug it up. You're lying. Now who turned in $2,000 to collect one thousand? You stole it and hid it somewhere. No, I didn't, I tell you. The marshal, his self, said there'd been some digging nearby. What'd you do with it, bird? Now tell me before I kill you. No, no. Listen a minute, german. Look, when you didn't come back, I figured you got caught. And then Charlie died, and I got scared. Yeah, you always was a coward. That's why we left you in the bushes with a rifle when we stopped the stadium. No, that don't matter, but look, german, don't you see this way? We're both safe, because I'll split both the rewards with you. You know, you're lying, and I'm going to kill you for it. No, no, don't, you're-- Hold it, come out! Come out! You're next, marshal. [GUNSHOT] You should have had your shotgun, german. I should have killed you with the hold on. That was my big mistake. Now, did he, the trusted bird you both could have got by with us? He was telling me the truth? He was. And you'd have never been convicted on whatever the answer I had. Well, I guess, it remains entitled to make a few mistakes. Marshal, german? Well, you won't make any more. [MUSIC PLAYING] Gun smoke, under the direction of Norman McDonald, stars William Conrad as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshall. Tonight's story was specially written for "Gun Smoke" by John Meston, with music composed and conducted by Rex Corey. Featured in the cast were Vic Perron, John Dana, and Lawrence Dobkin. Harley Bear is Chester, Howard McNair is Doc, and Georgia Ellis is Kitty. Join us again next week as Matt Dillon, U.S. Marshall, fights to bring law and order out of the wild violence of the West in Gun Smoke. [MUSIC PLAYING] This Monday Night Frank Lovejoy stars on CBS Radio's suspense. Remember Monday Night Frank Lovejoy in "On a Country Road," presented by Radio's outstanding theater of thrills, suspense over most of these same stations. George Walsh speaking, or mystery mixed with merriment. Join Mr. and Mrs. North Tuesday evenings on the CBS Radio Network. [MUSIC PLAYING] Owning a rental property sounds like a dream until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. 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