Gunsmoke Daily

Gunsmoke - Love of Money - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! Welcome to Gunsmoke Daily, where we breathe new life into the dusty trails and fiery showdowns of Dodge City with daily episodes of the iconic old-time radio show, "Gunsmoke." Each day, we journey back to the 1950s to join Marshal Matt Dillon as he maintains law and order in the wild west. From thrilling gunfights and moral dilemmas to heartfelt moments and the gritty realities of frontier life, every episode features the rich, atmospheric storytelling that made Gunsmoke a beloved staple of American entertainment. Tune in to relive the adventures of Dillon, Miss Kitty, Doc Adams, and Chester Proudfoot, and experience the drama and suspense that captivated listeners for over a decade. Join us daily for a timeless trip to the old west with "Gunsmoke."

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10 Jul 2024
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So go here and pick the dream, let you drink young as you think, yes get the right one. No matter in life when, now accept the photos you think you can. Do you want I should go say well horse, Miss John? Yeah, I might as well, Chester. Well I'll come in and get the stove on first I sure could use cup coffee when I get back. Okay. Hold it to Dillon. Well are you going to shoot me or not? Matt Dillon, if I was as jumpy as you are and sleep with the door locked even if it was a Marshall's office. Matt, you're some guy. How are you, man? You ain't grown an inch. I'm a whole lot smarter though. Oh I ain't sure of that, I could have put a bullet in you easy just now. Yeah, Chester, there's Nate Tatum in the whole front of my eye, Chester. You had me highly worried there for a minute. Yeah, I got bad habits all right. How tonight? What are you doing in Dodge? I'm head for California, Matt, just stopped him and say hello. Tell you as Marshall, aren't you? Are you as Marshall? Yeah, Oklahoma, terror, all right, Chester for the last four years. Forever. More mind, gracious. No, no. Not anymore though. I quit. What for? Scared again. Scared? You? Well, maybe that ain't the word, but I began to get the feeling. My number was coming up and I still haven't. No. It's a real strong feeling, I don't like it. You must make a lot of enemies back in Oklahoma. What law man doesn't? No, that's true. Ain't it, Miss Dylan? Yeah, I ruined too many of their games back there and they ain't forgetting. You mean you think somebody will follow you? They're after me. I'm sure of it. But it won't be anybody I'd recognize. They'll hire some stranger for the job. I'll expect you to handle it. Well, head on. I'd face anybody in the world is getting shot in the back of the bottom of me. You know, it seems to me that's a pretty heavy talk for this time of day. Besides, I got some alkalight to wash out of my throat. How about a drink night? Oh, wouldn't mind. Ah, we'll be at the log branch, Chester. You take care of things here, huh? Thank you. Thanks a whole heap. I sure envy you, Nate. It's going to California. Have you been there? San Francisco. Huh? I've always wanted to go back. If you were in San Francisco, you'd start wanting to be back in Dodge. But I'd like to find out for myself. But you're making money here, Mr. P. He looks me like you've got good business. Oh, money isn't everything. Some people it is. It can't be to you. You just quit a good job, didn't you? It didn't pay much. Ask Matt. Well, I guess Washington figures if a marshal's doing his job, he won't have time for more than one meal with a beer. That's the size of a cow. Evening, Kitty. Oh, fine. He came to work early. Nothing else to do. Bonnie, this is Marshall Dillon and Nate Tatum. Oh, just sit down, Bonnie. Say it. No, no, wait. I have a better idea. Huh? Are you excuses, Miss Kitty? Well, sure. First drink's on the house. Well, thank you. Bonnie, should we go to the bar? Whatever you say. Nice meeting you, Marshall. Nice meeting you. Nice meeting you. Now, there's a man who knows what he wants. Nate never was one of her waists in time. Who's the girl, Kitty? Bonnie, you just arrived a few days ago from Abilene. He's trying to get a steak to go to California. Oh? Maybe she's found the right man, isn't it, Nate? No, no, I'm afraid not. She told me her man's coming from Abilene in the beer, so some gambling. Oh, that's all right. Nate's traveling pretty much. He's taking time anyway. He looks like a good man, Nate. Yeah, he is. The best. You know, Kitty, there's something that you might do for me while he's here. What's that? Keep an eye open for strangers. Anybody you think might be carrying a gun from money. After Nate, huh? Yeah. What a rotten world. [MUSIC PLAYING] Miss Dylan? Miss Dylan? All right. All right. Oh, what is it, Chester? You get? Oh, it's in trouble. He's been shooting? All right. I didn't hear anything. He just died. He was way down to the end of the front street. I was having a nightcap, late again. Somebody stuck his head in the hall or something about a shooting. John Troy's. I don't know. All he said was, this man had been shot. Come for you right away, Miss John. Yeah. The man who was shot. What about him? It was Nate and Tatum. [MUSIC PLAYING] [SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING] Anybody see this happen? No. I didn't see it. He was shot in the back, just like he said he'd be. Yeah. You know that all the way over there would be a good place to ambush a man from. How many to go take a look? Yeah. No, it's not you. It's just that whoever did it wouldn't be around now. John, does somebody spill up over there at the room and, huh? Yeah. I'm going to go over there and ask a few questions. Just a couple of these men to help you carry Nate up the docks, huh? Yes, I will. [MUSIC PLAYING] [KNOCKING ON DOOR] Who is it? Marshall Dillon. Oh, thanks, Jesse. But, Bonnie, do you live here? Yeah, I got a room here a few days ago. You all alone? Yeah. Land lady and her husband went off to visit some friends in the country. They won't be back till tomorrow. Poor hat Marshall. What about the other rumors here? I'm the only one right now. I heard the shot, but I was afraid to go out. Tell me what happened, please. Nate Tatum. He's dead. Oh, no. Was Nate with you earlier, Bonnie? Well, he walked me home. We had a drink, just one and then he left. I see. You ever been in Oklahoma? Now, look, Marshall, I had nothing to do with this. You can't blame me for Nate's death. Somebody must have followed this. Come up here, looked in the window, and then waited for him. You keep the shades up all the time, do you? Now, of course, now I'll be. Could have heard our voices? Yeah, sure. Any idea who it was, Bonnie? You're being unfair, Marshall. Yeah, maybe, but you're the only thing I've got to go on. I want you where I know you're safe. You talking about jail? That's right, I am. He was a good friend of yours, wasn't he? All right. I'll be right out. Don't try to run out the back way, Bonnie. Couldn't do you any good. I won't, Marshall. [MUSIC PLAYING] [SIREN WAILING] Morning. Oh, good morning. Look, I didn't for you. I'm looking for a slow. Well, sir, if you've come to the right town, just thought everyone'd play cheers, it's slow. No, I'm looking for a particular one. Long branch. Huh? Yeah, girl, I know it's going to get a job there. Bonnie Van Demon? Bonnie. Well, Bonnie, ain't at the long branch, mister. She run into a little dab of trouble last night. Trouble? What happened? You better ask Marshall to him about that. He's right inside the office. Where is Bonnie? She all right? Oh, she's fine. He didn't mind spending the night in jail tall. In jail? You sure took your time telling me my girl's in jail. Well, I didn't have to tell you at all. Are you, Marshall Dillon? That's right. Well, I want to know what you got Bonnie Van Demon in jail for. Now, a man got murdered here last night, mister. My name is Miles Cody. All right, Cody. But Marshall, what does this man's death got to do with Bonnie? Why are you holding her? I've been thinking about that myself. I got nothing on Bonnie, and she hasn't been able to tell me a thing and trust her. Has she? Bring Bonnie out here with you. Thank you. You, uh, the gambler, Bonnie's been expecting from Abilene's tribe. It sure is a mighty poor way to arrive in town. Here she is, McDonough. Miles. Oh, Bonnie. You got here? Yeah. Not soon enough, where it looks. What's this all about, anyway? A man got killed in the street where I live, shot in the back. But you didn't have nothing to do with it? Of course I didn't. Well, you've got no right holding her, Marshall. I'm not holding her. She can leave any time. I don't understand any of these. Nate Hayden, the man that was killed, was a good friend of the Marshall. Marshall was pretty upset. He had to do something about it. And well, I was the most available, I guess. So he locked me up. We had to talk about it earlier this morning. Oh. Well, wait. I-- I got a little short temperate there, Marshall. Guess I understand now. No hard feelings, no hard feelings, honey. Well, I sure wish you luck. That's a bad thing. Shoot the man in the back. Yeah, but I'll get him. So really do. I'll get him. You can explain away the unique qualities of the CBS Radio Network's in-person program with the word entertainment. True, there are highly entertaining facets to the program. But calling in-person entertainment is like describing the Empire State Building as an office building. Fact is, one day through Friday evenings, CBS Radio airs on in-person intimate word portraits sketched by artists with highest authority on the subjects they discuss. These artists have ranged from chorus girls to former delinquents, outraged citizens to winners of windfalls, people brushed by comedy or tragedy. In-person brings you real stories that have overtaken real people in all walks of life all by the people involved. It's more than entertainment, more than news. It's in-person, a program far easier to hear and enjoy than describe. Each weekday evening, in-person offers novelty and high human interest, sometimes tears. Listen for it here. [MUSIC PLAYING] Bonnie, Marshall just came in. Yeah, it's on. You still think you can swing it? Oh, we think it'd be nice to the law. And you'd go be nice to him. And good luck. Thanks. Now, evening, Marshall. Well, it ain't. I want to talk to you. Uh-huh. I like to do more like I've got something to ask, yes. Go ahead. Miles and I are trying to get to California. And we're pretty broke right now. We need to stay. Now you're working, and Miles has his job dealing with pharaoh. Sure, but I-- I want to get out of here. I want to get to California now. What's that got to do with me? Well, Miles is a good dealer, Marshall. They could be a whole lot better if he didn't watch him so close. Wouldn't take him more than a week. Going real easy so there'd be no trouble. Sorry, Bonnie. No crooked gambling. I could make it worth a while. I can't be bought by it. Not any way at all. Well, that's a change of mind. You know where to find me. Yeah. Well, hello there, Matt. Hello, Doc. Where's Kitty? Oh, uh, let's see. Oh, she's in the office talking to a whiskey drummer. Sit down. You have time. Yeah, I am. Are you still looking for Nate Tate and his murder? It's a real waste of time, Doc. It just isn't a whole lot you can do about it, is it? I get him, Doc, if I have to go back to Oklahoma territory and start from there. Oh, you can't do that. Man, you've got a job here. Somehow it doesn't interest me very much, Doc. I want the man who killed Nate. I don't care how many days or months or years it takes to find him. Uh, John, here to telegraph for you. Uh, uh, yeah, just come in for a minute, so it's not an equal. Uh, it looks like Washington came through with something for once. Well, what do you mean, man? I sent him a telegram about Nate and the War Department's offering $500 for his murderer. $500? That's a heap of money. Say that's right. He was a U.S. merchant, wouldn't he? Uh, just the first thing tomorrow morning, take this over to the printers and get some posters made up, wouldn't he? Sure will. You know, this $500 reward just might smoke out our killer. [DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, Marshall. Ah, Bonnie. Can I sit down? Sure, sure. Well, it's on your mind. Money? You don't change much, do you? Now, when it comes to money, Marshall. And right now, money can buy my way to California. That means something. Why is California so important to you? It's been a dream of mine ever since I was a kid. And now I'm going. You couldn't send me. Oh, is that so? $500, a lot of money. That's what you're offering for Nate's killer, aren't you? That's how the government is. Go on. That's all. Hmm. I knew I had a reason for jailing you. Oh, I didn't tell you. Many lives, Marshall. I just didn't tell you all I know. Yeah, but for $500, you will, huh? A woman like me has a lot of things. Gets to know a lot. I can lead you straight to the murderers. Let's go. That money first. You don't expect me to have that much money right here, do you? You want the murder, don't you? If you can really produce him, yeah. If I can't, you don't pay me. I'll be at the long branch this evening. You bring the money there, and then we'll go find your murderer. You tonight, Marshall. Well, even then, Marshall, you get the money? I got it. Let's go find our man, and you can have it. You wouldn't trick me, would you, Marshall? Not about this. All right? Yes. There he is, at the pharaoh's table. What? You don't mean miles, Cody? I do? Well, I thought he was your man. Well, there's a lot of men, Marshall, but I don't get a chance at $500 very often. No, you feel about people, you should get a lot of chances. No. All right, tell me about Cody. Well, he reached dogs that night. He rode back out and came in again in the morning. Just for show. Go on. He knew where I lived. I sent him a telegram. He came there, and he must have heard Nate and me talking from outside the window. I see. He's the most jealous man I ever met outside of business, of course. He wasn't hired to do the job. All right. No, I just told you. So he waited for Nate to pass that alley, and then he put a bullet in his back, is that it? That's how I figured, Marshall. Well, don't you know? I know. He told me all about it. Yeah. What? He must trust you what? Let's go get him. Oh, dear. Yeah. Well, Marshall. Been taking over our proposition, minus and minus, but running a crooked game here. No, that isn't it, Kelly, son, what is it? Money? What do you tell him? Did you kill Nate Tatum, Kelly? I asked you if you killed Nate Tatum. So you sold me out, Bonnie. I saw them reward posters today. You sold me out. Well, there's your confession, Marshall. I'll take your gun, Kelly. All right. You can go ahead and take the-- Ah! No, I'm not! Why, it-- it tried to suit me. Couple of you men, give her a hand, get Kelly over to the zoo. Why, he tried to kill me, Marshall, like dirty dog. Maybe you'd feel better about it if you came to his hanging. I don't need any lectures from you. Why is that money? Money? Here's your money. Thanks. How about you hold it, count it? Well, I trust people, Marshall. Don't you? I feel sorry for you, Bonnie. Sorry, for me? Why, I'm headed for California, Marshall. But you're going to hate it, Bonnie. Even you. You're going to hate every minute of it. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hi. This is Dennis James. To make a point about reliable, effective Kellogg's All-Bram. Repeat after me, please. What do you want when you need brands? What do you want when you need brands? Reliability. Reliability. 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Featured in the cast with Lauren Stavkin, Virginia Christine, and John Diner, Harley Bear is Chester, Howard McMear is Doc, and Georgia Ellis is kidding. This is George Walsh, inviting you to join us again next week when CBS Radio presents another story on "Gone's Smoke." Have a happy habit. One day through Friday, Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney on the CBS Radio Network. When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renters warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renters Warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, renters warehouse works for you, not the other way around. 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