Daily Short Stories - Children's Stories

The Story of Androcles and the Lion

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08 Jul 2024
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5280 Exterior's James Hardy sighting is a low-maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels wood-borne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free, rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole-house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free. But only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit 5280Exterior', 5280Exterior', a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 Exterior's, the altitude of quality. I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Luckyland, where you can play over a hundred social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today! That Luckyland! Many hundred years ago, they lived in the north of Africa, a poor Roman slave called Androccalese. His master held great power and authority in the country, but he was a hard cruel man, and his slaves lead a very unhappy life. They had little to eat, had to work hard, and were often punished and tortured if they failed to satisfy their masters' capersons. All long Androccalese had born with the hardships of his life, but at last he could bear it no longer, and he made up his mind to run away. He knew that it was a great risk, for he had no friends in that foreign country with whom he could seek safety and protection, and he was aware that if he was overtaken in court he would be put to a cruel death. But even death, he thought, would not be so hard as the life he now lead, and it was possible that he might escape to the sea coast, and somehow, someday, get back to Rome and find a kind of master. So he waited till the old moon had rained to a tiny gold thread in the skies, and then one dark night he slipped out of his master's house, and, creeping through the deserted forum and along the silent town, he passed out of the city into the vineyards and cornfields lying outside the walls. In the cool night here he walked rapidly, from time to time he was startled by the sudden vacuum of a dog, or the sound of voices coming from some late revolution in the villas which stood beside the road along which he hurried. But as he got further into the country the sound ceased, and there was silence and darkness all round him. When the sun rose he had already gone many miles away from the town in which he had been so miserable. But now a new tear at a place to him, the tear of great loneliness, he had gotten to a wild barren country where there was no sign of human habitation. A thick growth of low trees and thorny mimosa bushes spread out before him, and as he tried to treat his way through him he was severely scratched into scant garments torn by the long thorns. Besides the sun was very hot, and the trees were not high enough to afford her mini-shade. He was worn out with hunger and fatigue, and he longed to lie down on rest, but to lie down on that fear sun would have linked death, and he struggled on, hoping to find some wild berries to eat, and some water to quench his thirst. But when he came out of the scrub would, he found he was as badly off as before, a long low line of rocky cliffs rose before him, but there were no houses, and he saw no hope of finding food. He was so tired that he could not wander further, and seeing a cave which looked cool and dark on the side of the cliffs, he crept into it, and streaked to his tired limbs on the sandy floor for a fast asleep. Suddenly, he was awakened by a noise that made his blood run cold, the roar of a wild beast sounded in his ears, and as he started trembling and interior to his feet, he beheld a huge, tawny line with great glistening, right teeth, standing in the entrance of the cave. It was impossible to fly for the line barred away, a movable with fear, and broccoli stood rooted to the spot, waiting for the line to spring on him and tear him limb from limb. But the line did not move, making a low moan as if in great pain it stood looking its huge pull from which and broccoli's now saw that blood was flowing freely. Seeing the poor animal in such pain and noticing how gentle it seemed, and broccoli's forgot his own terror and slowly approached the line who held up its paw as a fastening the man to help it. Then, and broccoli saw that a monster thorn had entered the paw, making a deep cut and causing great pain and swelling. Swipply but firmly, he drew the thorn out and pressed the swelling to try to stop the flowing of the blood. Relieved of the pain, the line quietly lay down at and broccoli's feet, slowly moving his great bushy tail from side to side as the dog does when it feels happy and comfortable. In that moment, and broccoli's and the line became devoted friends, after lying for a little while at his feet, licking the poor wounded paw, the line got up and limped out of the cave. A few minutes later, a returned with a little deep rabbit in its mouth, which it put down on the floor of the cave beside and broccoli's. The poor man, who was starving with hunger, cooked the rabbit somehow and ate it. In the evening, lead by the line, he found a place where there was a spring at which he quenched his dreadful thirst. And so for three years, and broccoli's and the line lived together in the cave, wandering about the woods together by day, sleeping together at night. For in some of the cave was cooler than the woods, and in winter it was warmer. At last the longing and and broccoli's heart to live once more with his fellow man became so great that he felt he could remain in the woods no longer, but that he must return to a town and take his chance of being caught and caught as a runaway slave. And so one morning he left the cave and wandered away in the direction where he thought the sea and the large town's sleigh. But in a few days he was captured by a band of soldiers who were patrolling the country in search of fugitive slaves, and he was put in chains and sent as a prisoner to Rome. Here he was cast into prison and tried for the crime of him run away from his master. He was condemned as a punishment to be torn to pieces by a wire beast on the first public holiday in the great circus at Rome. When the day arrived and broccoli's was brought out of his prison, dressed in a simple short tunic and with a scarf round his right arm. He was given a lance with which to defend himself, a full-arm hope as he knew he had to fight with a powerful lion which had been kept without food for some days to make it more savage and blood thirsty. As he stepped into the arena of the huge circus, above the sound of the voices of thousands on thousands of spectators, he could hear the savage roar of the wire beets from the cages below the floor and which he stood. Of a sudden the silence of expectation fell on the spectators for signal had been given and the cage containing the lion with which and broccoli's hept fight had been shot up into the arena from the floor below. A moment later with a fierce string and a savage roar the great animal had sprung out of its cage into the arena and with a bound had rushed at the spot where and broccoli stood trembling. But suddenly as he saw and broccoli the lion stood still, wondering. In quickly but quietly it approached him and gently moved its tail and looked the man's hands and formed upon him like a great dog and and broccoli's petted the lion's head and gave a sob of recognition for he knew that it was his own lion with whom he had looked and lodged all those months and years. And seeing the strange and wonderful meeting between the man and the wild beast, all the people marveled and the emperor from his high seat above the arena sent for and broccoli's and bathed him tell his story and explained this mystery. And the emperor was so delighted with the story that he said and broccoli's was to be released and to be made a free man from that hour. And he rewarded him with money and ordered that the lion was to belong to him and to accompany him wherever he went. And when the people in Rome met and broccoli's walking followed by his faith the lion they used to point at him and say that is the lion the guest of the man and that is the man the doctor of the lion. And of the story of Androccolis and the lion from the animal story book he did it by Andrew Laine. 5280 exteriors James Hardy sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resist flame spread and repels wood one insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting that's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free. But only for the month of July call today for more details or visit 5280 a James Hardy preferred contractor 5280 exteriors the altitude of quality. 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