
#99 An Australian first in podcasting.

It's a bit different this week and a lot of fun. We are the first Australian Ag podcast to do a live stream talkback style episode over Twitter spaces. All our podcasts are completely unscripted (as you can tell), but in this one, it was recorded live to the Twitter audience and we gave impromptu invitations for brave guests to join the conversation. The guests include Yeti, Clint Jasper, Martin Murray, Jonathan Dyer, Stefan Meyer and Renée Anderson. We started off with the weekly market update followed by discussions on fertilizer, inflation, cotton, organic farming, durum supply chains, issues with MRL's and a whole lot more.  Remember to support the podcast by sharing it with friends and family. 
Broadcast on:
12 Feb 2022

It's a bit different this week and a lot of fun. We are the first Australian Ag podcast to do a live stream talkback style episode over Twitter spaces. 

All our podcasts are completely unscripted (as you can tell), but in this one, it was recorded live to the Twitter audience and we gave impromptu invitations for brave guests to join the conversation. 

The guests include Yeti, Clint Jasper, Martin Murray, Jonathan Dyer, Stefan Meyer and Renée Anderson. We started off with the weekly market update followed by discussions on fertilizer, inflation, cotton, organic farming, durum supply chains, issues with MRL's and a whole lot more.  

Remember to support the podcast by sharing it with friends and family. 

It's a bit different this week and a lot of fun. We are the first Australian Ag podcast to do a live stream talkback style episode over Twitter spaces. All our podcasts are completely unscripted (as you can tell), but in this one, it was recorded live to the Twitter audience and we gave impromptu invitations for brave guests to join the conversation. The guests include Yeti, Clint Jasper, Martin Murray, Jonathan Dyer, Stefan Meyer and Renée Anderson. We started off with the weekly market update followed by discussions on fertilizer, inflation, cotton, organic farming, durum supply chains, issues with MRL's and a whole lot more.  Remember to support the podcast by sharing it with friends and family.