
#15 Mixed bag with Graham Lean

We have a chat with our friend Graham Lean of Agrivet Business Consulting. We cover off on a wide basket of topics including wool/sheep profitability, mulesing, AWI director fees and wool pricing. You can follow Graham on his twitter account : Agrivetbusiness
Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2020

We have a chat with our friend Graham Lean of Agrivet Business Consulting. We cover off on a wide basket of topics including wool/sheep profitability, mulesing, AWI director fees and wool pricing. 

You can follow Graham on his twitter account : Agrivetbusiness

We have a chat with our friend Graham Lean of Agrivet Business Consulting. We cover off on a wide basket of topics including wool/sheep profitability, mulesing, AWI director fees and wool pricing. You can follow Graham on his twitter account : Agrivetbusiness