District of Conservation

EP 222: Dominion Energy Gave $200K to Shadowy Group to Depress Sportsmen Vote in #VAGov Race

In Episode 222 of District of Conservation, Gabriella discusses a breaking news story relating to the upcoming Virginia gubernatorial election and how the state's electric utility company funneled $200K to a shadowy leftist group discouraging gun voters from voting for Glenn Youngkin, who is more pro-gun than Terry McAuliffe. 


Richmond Times-Dispatch report on Dominion Energy

Reload piece on Dominion Energy

Virginia Clean Economy Act - EP 148

Youngkin opposes VCEA

Townhall explainer on VCEA

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Broadcast on:
18 Oct 2021

In Episode 222 of District of Conservation, Gabriella discusses a breaking news story relating to the upcoming Virginia gubernatorial election and how the state's electric utility company funneled $200K to a shadowy leftist group discouraging gun voters from voting for Glenn Youngkin, who is more pro-gun than Terry McAuliffe. 


Richmond Times-Dispatch report on Dominion Energy

Reload piece on Dominion Energy

Virginia Clean Economy Act - EP 148

Youngkin opposes VCEA

Townhall explainer on VCEA

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