What do you do when you encounter two wizards throwing balls of fire at each other? Soothe them with archaeological theory of course! In this episode, Ash and Tilly have a slightly different task ahead of them as they discuss the history of processual versus post-processual archaeology, all in an attempt to deal with the intricate politics of academic research.
- For rough transcripts of this episode, go to: https://www.archpodnet.com/trowel/13
What do you do when you encounter two wizards throwing balls of fire at each other? Soothe them with archaeological theory of course! In this episode, Ash and Tilly have a slightly different task ahead of them as they discuss the history of processual versus post-processual archaeology, all in an attempt to deal with the intricate politics of academic research.
* Michael Shanks and Ian Hodder chapter on "Processual, Postprocessual, and Interpretive Archaeologies" (1995) [https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/31579262/Shanks-and-Hodder-1995-libre.pdf?1392382896=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DProcessual_postprocessual_and_interpreti.pdf&Expires=1708036336&Signature=LiQYq9U~tA1pr3MhrGtT0KtPce9NSkZr68BHHF9bqV4cGob6ZFFmQMZG9CLW4iSDyiwIAw1lezlpfd6jl1tNxWd51aQLM3I6n9TI83uemB-XqiIWO6KSJQG0HO8jWvx~qTs7aq7hbfR8A6EEPRTaUlWzOQKMb2s9WHU82gyIhxZsUynJnKXAqUGi3nvb0pifZfa2xZND~7-bp0Kkalh-HN96z8Z0Oc8BFg9EQd1iDznLoAukTGQmG1meU2DDB~TgfAF3MVU4ElBMl7cz7vpQj4rJvKq9tQ0QtvhabqlYhTBowODMwHRpBAZOuHbcyuwnq8fB9kPKtWSqg-BaVe~xYw__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA]
* Michael Shanks Chapter on "Post-processual archaeology and after" (2005) [https://alex-bentley.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/ch09_Shanks.285230815.pdf]
* Email: andmytrowel@gmail.com
* Instagram: @and.my.trowel
* For rough transcripts of this episode, go to: https://www.archpodnet.com/trowel/13
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