And My Trowel - Two Archaeologists Between Fantasy and Fiction

Of Ghosts, Grave Goods, and Ownership - Ep 3

It's time for a new adventure! In this episode, Tilly and Ash talk about spooky spectres, grave goods, and object ownership. How would you interact with a disapproving ghost? What do you do with their grave goods if they claim to still own them? And who does the past belong to anyway? Roll for perception, tune in and find out! Links * Chris Tilley, Webb Keane, Susanne Kuechler, Mike Rowlands, Patricia Spyer. 2006. Handbook of Material Culture. (no online link available) * Alberti, Samuel J. M. M. 2005. "Objects and the Museum." Isis 96, no. 4: 559–71. []: * Ann E. Killebrew. 2017. Artefacts out of Context: Their Curation, Ownership, and Repatriation. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies. 1-6. []: * Steiner, 2001. Rights of passage: On the liminal identity of art in the border zone', in Fred Myers (ed.), The Empire of Things: Regimes of Value and Material Culture. 210. []: Contact * Email: * Instagram: @‌ ArchPodNet * APN Website: [] * APN on Facebook: * APN on Twitter: * APN on Instagram: * Tee Public Store: Affiliates * Motion []: * Motley Fool Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to and start your investing journey today! *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price. * Laird Superfood Are you ready to feel more energized, focused, and supported? Go to and add nourishing, plant-based foods to fuel you from sunrise to sunset. * Liquid I.V. Ready to shop better hydration, use my special link to save 20% off anything you order.
Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2023

It’s time for a new adventure! In this episode, Tilly and Ash talk about spooky spectres, grave goods, and object ownership. How would you interact with a disapproving ghost? What do you do with their grave goods if they claim to still own them? And who does the past belong to anyway? Roll for perception, tune in and find out!





It's time for a new adventure! In this episode, Tilly and Ash talk about spooky spectres, grave goods, and object ownership. How would you interact with a disapproving ghost? What do you do with their grave goods if they claim to still own them? And who does the past belong to anyway? Roll for perception, tune in and find out! Links * Chris Tilley, Webb Keane, Susanne Kuechler, Mike Rowlands, Patricia Spyer. 2006. Handbook of Material Culture. (no online link available) * Alberti, Samuel J. M. M. 2005. "Objects and the Museum." Isis 96, no. 4: 559–71. []: * Ann E. Killebrew. 2017. Artefacts out of Context: Their Curation, Ownership, and Repatriation. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies. 1-6. []: * Steiner, 2001. Rights of passage: On the liminal identity of art in the border zone', in Fred Myers (ed.), The Empire of Things: Regimes of Value and Material Culture. 210. []: Contact * Email: * Instagram: @‌ ArchPodNet * APN Website: [] * APN on Facebook: * APN on Twitter: * APN on Instagram: * Tee Public Store: Affiliates * Motion []: * Motley Fool Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to and start your investing journey today! *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price. * Laird Superfood Are you ready to feel more energized, focused, and supported? Go to and add nourishing, plant-based foods to fuel you from sunrise to sunset. * Liquid I.V. Ready to shop better hydration, use my special link to save 20% off anything you order.