Time Babble

3.12 Live Theatre Special: The Time Machine (2023) "Insert Sounds of Fear"

Broadcast on:
17 May 2024

This week we have a special bonus episode for all you Babblers, as we venture nervously out into what is regularly described as the ‘real world’, for a live time travel theatre experience at the Leeds Playhouse. The Time Machine (2023) is a three person play, created by the Original Theatre company, starring George Kemp as George, Amy Revelle as Amy, and Michael Dylan as Michael. Clever stuff.

ENJOY the palpable sense of FEAR of your hosts as they experience live theatre! LISTEN to them cower in DREAD from the realities of matinee audiences! FEEL their DEEP DISCOMFORT as audience participation starts to happen! And keeps on happening. And keeps on happening.

That’s not to say we didn’t have a lovely time to bring you, dear listener, some dispatches from the front: including under-utilised clocks, over-utilised panto, and lone-sweeping, pie-eating stagehands.


Time Babble Series Three, Episode Twelve, is waiting for you now on Podbean, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts and other good podcast services.

If you can’t find it on your usual streaming service, please write in to the usual address.

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(All copyrighted material contained within this podcast is the property of their respective rights owners and their use here is protected under ‘fair use’ for the purposes of comment or critique.)