The Wealth Rebels Show

S2: EP16 - Step into your Yang and create a life, financial and business strategy you will actually implement!

Broadcast on:
08 Nov 2024

Welcome to "Step into your Yang energy and create a life, financial and business strategy you will actually implement!"

In this episode, Emma will show you 3 ways to activate your masculine yang energy, to create balance, to move from the FEAR based approach of doing, from the societal norms that are toxic and lead to a life of inner stress and anxiety…. To a place of equilibrium so you really can design a life you love, and go on and create the life, financial and business plan you will actually implement.

FEAR based energy that the mind is designed to feed off to keep you safe is based on NEEDing money!

I need to earn money

I need to be paid

I need to pay my bills

I need… anything!

This creates anxiety, stress and DIS-EASE…. 

It's about balance, you know that the yin and yang is 50/50…. Yin is your feminine, yes guys you all have a beautiful feminine part, a soft part of you, that you need to nourish so you can go on and DO the hunter gathering….. We all have this 50/50 within us, we are given genitals so we can procreate okay

3 things you will learn in this beautiful subliminal:

  1. The power of creating BALANCE. To BE with yourself. 

  1. Stop NEEDING, step into a place of WANT.  

  1. Then CREATE that life, financials and business plan that is from this healthy FLOW energy.

Allow yourself to BE, stop needing and step into what you WANT to CREATE a strategy across life, financial and business that will lead you to a life you LOVE.

Dive in now!

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