The Wealth Rebels Show

Unveiling Energy Healing: A Journey of Transformation with Adrian Lee

Broadcast on:
17 Apr 2024

Disclaimer: This episode discusses the topic of suicide.


This week's episode discusses a topic that some of you may find hard or challenging to listen to. Not everything related to money, mindset and wealth is easy to navigate, and for some of us we have deeper challenges, and this is why I have decided to share Adrian Lee’s story and episode with you. This episode discusses his experience with suicide.

If you don’t want to listen then please don’t; the key message and take away from his story is if you are struggling, please don’t suffer in silence, there is always a way forwards, and I hope that by sharing this, by not only talking about the highs of wealth management, by sharing a different side of wealth, and our mental health, I might reach someone who needs to hear this story.

Thank you for listening as always. Much love. 


Welcome to the Wealth Unchained podcast, where host Emma Wright, known as the Wealth Rebel, engages in a transformative dialogue with energy healer Adrian Lee.

Emma shares her personal journey of exploration into energy healing, recounting her profound experience at Glastonbury, where she encountered Adrian's remarkable work. Adrian's journey from the corporate world to energy healing resonates deeply with Emma, highlighting the transformative power of following one's spiritual path.

Here Emma and Adrian delve into the depths of energy healing, discussing Adrian's transition from banking to entrepreneurship in the realm of energy healing. They explore the concept of akashic records, the significance of healing past traumas, and the empowering nature of uncovering unconscious attachments through meditation. Join Emma and Adrian as they embark on a journey of self-discovery, offering invaluable insights into the profound impact of energy healing on personal growth and spiritual awakening.



  • Emma shares her enlightening journey into energy healing, sparked by her experience at Glastonbury with Adrian.

  • Adrian's transition from banking to energy healing mirrors Emma's own path of spiritual awakening, underscoring the transformative power of following one's calling.

  • They delve into the concept of akashic records and the importance of healing past traumas for personal growth and empowerment.

  • Emma and Adrian invite listeners to explore Adrian's transformative work and connect with the profound benefits of energy healing.



Connect with Adrian HERE 

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