The Wealth Rebels Show

Why design your business around your ideal year

Broadcast on:
28 Feb 2024

Welcome to Episode 49 of the Wealth Unchained Podcast, hosted by Emma Wright. In this insightful episode, Emma explores the concept of designing your business around your ideal year. Emma emphasises the common mistake of replicating the corporate lifestyle when starting a business, instead of intentionally crafting a schedule that aligns with personal preferences and goals from the outset.

Emma discusses the importance of pricing strategies and the pitfalls of undervaluing services based on previous corporate earnings. By sharing her own ideal week schedule, Emma provides listeners with a practical framework for designing a business that integrates personal interests and responsibilities. She highlights the significance of setting boundaries and prioritising self-care within the business model to achieve a harmonious work-life balance. Emma's transparent approach to financial planning encourages entrepreneurs to reevaluate their pricing structures and prioritise their well-being in pursuit of sustainable business success.



  • Emma advocates for designing a business schedule around personal preferences and goals, rather than replicating the corporate lifestyle.

  • The episode emphasises the importance of pricing strategies and setting boundaries to achieve a balanced work-life dynamic.

  • Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their ideal year and reassess pricing structures to ensure business sustainability and personal fulfilment.

