Welcome to another empowering episode of the Wealth Unchained podcast! I'm Emma Wright, your wealth rebel and financial empowerment coach. As we step into the anticipated year of 2024, characterised by the numerology of 8, symbolising wealth and abundance, I'm excited to share the key to unlocking these riches – the STAR Strategy. This episode dives deep into the four essential steps of the STAR code, a roadmap designed to align your soul's purpose with your life and business, ensuring every step is a celebration of abundance.
The STAR code begins with understanding your Soul's calling, followed by mastering your Time, creating Abundance in every aspect of your life, and building a Real Return beyond monetary gains. By adopting this strategy, you empower yourself to manifest, plan, and implement the life you truly desire. Join me in this transformative journey and discover how to be a true STAR, leaving a legacy of impact and abundance. And mark your calendars for January 17, 2024, the STAR Investment Planning Strategy Day – a unique opportunity to connect with yourself, fellow STARs, and craft your 2024 strategy for a year of wealth and abundance.
- The power of the number 8 in numerology for wealth and abundance in 2024.
- Introduction to the STAR Strategy – Soul, Time, Abundance, Real Return.
- The importance of aligning your soul's purpose with your life and business.
- Details about the STAR Investment Planning Strategy Day on January 17, 2024.
- A chance to enroll in the transformative strategy day and create your STAR strategy for 2024.
Join Emma’s Strategy Day on the 17 January 2024
Connect with Emma through a 1-on-1 below or chat or email her at hello@myindependentwealth.com
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