The Wealth Rebels Show

The Secret Wealth Building Formula For High Achieving Entrepreneurs & High Earners in Business

Broadcast on:
05 Dec 2023

Welcome to Wealth Unchained, the podcast where we uncover the power of tax-led investment planning. Emma Wright, your host, chartered financial planner with 24 years of experience, unveils the hidden potential of tax-led investing for high earners and high achieving business owners.

Emma's mission is to empower entrepreneurs to take control of their wealth and make a significant impact beyond their businesses.

Episode highlights:

Lesson 1: Discover the million pound impact of tax-led investment planning!

  • Tax-led investing is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs to build and preserve wealth.

  • Emma shares a scenario illustrating the transformative impact of redirecting £5k monthly into tax-led investments, turning a potential £4mn shortfall into a wealth pot of £5.8 million.

  • Building wealth through intentional investment allows for financial independence and the ability to make impactful choices in life.


Lesson 2: Explore the 3 tax-led investment strategies entrepreneurs need to know about to hold on to profit!

  • Emma introduces three key strategies: Individual Savings Account (ISA), Pension, and Venture Capital Trust (VCT).

  • ISAs provide tax-free growth on personal wealth, while pensions offer tax relief on business profits, with the added benefit of legacy planning.

  • VCTs, a higher-risk option, offer tax benefits and the potential for impactful investing in small entrepreneurial ventures.


Lesson 3: Learn the 3 simple ways to wealth map your Six Figure business to build a million pound independence fund

  • Emma guides entrepreneurs on choosing the right investment strategy based on their financial goals and timelines.

  • ISAs for flexibility, pensions for long-term planning, and VCTs for a balance of tax-free income and impactful ventures.

  • Diversification and strategic planning are emphasised as key elements of a successful wealth map.



  • Emma reassures listeners that the podcast aims to provide valuable insights without a sales pitch.

  • A special opportunity is offered for one-on-one consultations with Emma, for those seeking deeper exploration.

  • Emma emphasises the importance of taking control of one's financial destiny through tax-led investing for a brighter, more impactful future.

Thank you for listening to Wealth Unchained. For a personal consultation or video recording of this webinar, email or find the link in the show notes.



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