
Beyond Firewalking

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2023

There's more to firewalking than the public display of religious devotion. Independent curator Nalina Gopal tells us the stories behind the three-month rituals that precede the firewalking at Singapore's Sri Mariamman Temple.

Nalina Gopal is an independent curator and researcher focused on South Asia and its diaspora. She is the co-editor of Sojourners to Settlers: Tamils in Southeast Asia and Singapore and the founder of Antāti, a historical research and museum consultancy.

Read the transcript and the original BiblioAsia article on

This episode of BiblioAsia+ was hosted by Jimmy Yap and produced by Soh Gek Han. Sound engineering was done by Gibson Analytics. The background music "Di Tanjong Katong" was composed by Osman Ahmad and performed by Chords Haven. Special thanks to Nalina for coming on the show.

BiblioAsia+ is a podcast about Singapore history by the National Library of Singapore.