ESG Talk

ESG Executive Notes: World Economic Forum and the 2022 AGM Season ft. Dan Lambeth, Brunswick

Broadcast on:
15 Jun 2022

Tune into the latest episode of ESG Talk with Dan Lambeth, Brunswick Partner in London. He has over 20 years’ experience in government and the financial services industry: J.P. Morgan, where he led the firm’s sustainability agenda in Europe, Head of Regulatory Policy and Communication at the Royal Bank of Scotland, and held senior roles at the London Stock Exchange and H.M. Treasury. Dan and host Mandi McReynolds share executive notes on the 2022 Annual General Meeting season and World Economic Forum. They dive into how ESG through capitalism drives societal value and provide practical takeaways for companies as they prepare for AGM season.


1) ESG During the 2022 AGM Season -

2) World Economic Forum -