Welcome to the coversation. In the first episode of ESG Talk, we dive into the development of the ESG Talk podcast: The conversations that shape us in the field and four powerful ESG business drivers happening NOW. Let's talk. Let's listen. This is your ESG Talk podcast and discussion. Like the great educator and international leadership expert Linda Lambert once said: “One great conversation can shift the direction of change forever.” Working together to drive ESG business and societal impact, we can shape a better world for all.
1) Turning to One Another - Margaret J Wheatly https://margaretwheatley.com/books-products/books/turning-one-another/
2) Investors Demand ESG Data They Can Trust: Survey Results https://www.workiva.com/resources/investors-demand-esg-data-they-can-trust-survey-results
3) What is the #1 Business Value Driver for ESG in 2022? Linkedin Poll https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mandimcreynolds_sustainability-esgstrategy-esg-activity-6914319328553099264-ZHJM?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web