Our very first guest on the AND/BOTH podcast is Rachel Mae. She hosts the podcast Mama’s Cup of Ambition, is the mama to two little boys and is a country singer/songwriter. In this episode Rachel shares her story of feeling the juxtaposition of being pulled towards both motherhood and her career as a creative artist at the same time.
We cover how Rachel is in the in-between phase of figuring out how to be both a mom and a professional artist. She is realizing that the longer she stays away from the music scene, the harder it is to get back into it. So rather than being able to go on a week-long retreat and write lyrics the whole time, she is now picking up the guitar in the living room and having a jam session while her kids are present.
Motherhood transforms us all. And Rachel shares a beautiful analogy toward the end of our conversation about comparing motherhood to the process of a caterpillar molding into a butterfly. She reminds us that it can be dark and mushy but in the end you’d never want to go back to not being able to fly. We’re still the same person we were before becoming a mom, so let’s not forget to honor and advocate for her both in and out of our roles as mom.
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