The Public Square - Two Minute Daily

What is The Public Square All About?

Broadcast on:
02 Jan 2025
Audio Format:

The Public Square® is reaching people in all sorts of lengths and varieties on all different sorts of platforms. What is The Public Square® all about? Tune in today as we talk about it for 2 minutes. 

Topic: Our Mission

The Public Square® with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd

Air Date: Thursday, January 2, 2025

I'm Wayne Shepard with Dave Zanati on the Public Square. The Public Square takes different forms, Dave, and we have lots of different formats. Why so many? Why don't we just do one thing and try to do it better? Yeah, we've got a two-minute daily program, a five-minute, once-a-week program, a 30-minute program that's heard daily. And then we've got a 60-minute long-format program. What is with you, people? Make up your mind. Right. And some stations air one, some stations air all, and some stations air something in between some people air them all all the time. I mean, there's just everywhere. How come? Well, because we recognize different people can catch truth in different size spoons, okay? For some of us in little bitty spoons, some of us are ready for the table spoons, some of us would like a long drink. And some subjects we can talk about and give us a thought, sometimes developing that thought can be done relatively quickly. And sometimes it really takes a couple of hours, or for us a few weeks of research, sometimes months of research to have a conversation. And we archive these broadcasts because we want to be judged and to judge ourselves a year from now, two years from now, five years from now. What happened? How did we respond? Did we get it right? This stuff really matters because ideas have consequences in all of our lives. And so that's the nature of the public square. It's not to forget. It's not hit radio. It's not got your radio. It's not political or partisan radio by any stretch of the imagination. It's a conversation about how the truth can set us free. So that's what we're about, Wayne. That's why we do it. And we thank every station and every listener and every supporter that gives us the chance to walk through this process of discovery together. We only are here because listeners make it possible. Thank you. And for more, including sometimes even that what you don't hear in the radio, go to or as always, [MUSIC PLAYING]