Love Your People Well - Christian Motherhood Tips, Marriage Help, and Family Relationship Building

ENTER THE 100th EPISODE GIVEAWAY!!! 🥳 Details Inside.

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2022

Friends, we are THISCLOSE to episode 100! How incredible. And we are going to celebrate! In this quick episode you can get all the details of the 100th Episode Giveaway.

Get your entry in between Oct. 3-Oct. 10 to win an Amazon gift card + books + coffee + free resources... great stuff!

And THANK YOU for listening and sharing over these 100 episodes!

You can get ALL the info on the ministry over at


hugs & blessings,






Okay, how to enter? Let's just go through it here nice and simple for you:

1. Leave a written review of the show on Apple Podcasts (or your favorite podcast app).

2. Take a screenshot of your review before you hit "share"

3. Share that screenshot with me! You can email me at or post it on your social and tag me @loveyourpeoplewell 

4. That's all, folks! Nice and easy.