Love Your People Well - Christian Motherhood Tips, Marriage Help, and Family Relationship Building

Kids driving you crazy? Try these 10 quick actions to calm yourself down in 90 seconds or less.

Broadcast on:
21 Sep 2022

Episode 97 // I know you love your kids, mama… and I also know that, sometimes, they drive you crazy. That’s just real life! And those feelings of impatience, frustration, and anger make sense. The question is, how do you handle those emotions in the moment?


Yes, in an ideal world you’d be able to take a break, get away for a bit, and do something calming and relaxing. You’d get a manicure, take a bubble bath, or take a nap to calm yourself down. But in real life, we typically need to continue the interaction. We have to stay in the moment, and we have to find ways to deal with those hard emotions quickly and calmly.


That’s why today, I’m sharing 10 ideas for what you can do in the hot-button moment to calm yourself down in 60 seconds or less. 


Ready? Let’s dive in.


hugs & blessings, 



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