Love Your People Well - Christian Motherhood Tips, Marriage Help, and Family Relationship Building

(F3) Why does Jesus say “blessed are the peacemakers” … and how can I become one in my home?

Broadcast on:
28 Jan 2022

Episode 63.5 // Friday Faith Follow-up


Ah, the dream of a peaceful home. You know what? The best way to achieve this dream is to work on becoming a peaceMAKER in your home. 


In this quick follow-up episode, we’re turning to Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount to explore one of his beatitudes: “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Why does He say this? How do we become a peacemaker in our home?


Let’s dive in!


Struggling to find peace or become a peacemaker? Get the 40 Day Devotional on Anger & Emotional Control at


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