The Fitness Marketing Agency Podcast

Gym Websites: Get On The First Page Of Google

Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024

In today's episode, we’re joined by Matt Murphy co-owner of Accelerate Website Agency. Matt explains the importance of setting up a website for your fitness business and how it can be a great tool for gaining new members and growing your fitness business. We discuss SEO, design, Google ads and conversions. He details how to structure your website and what pages you should include to create interest for prospective leads. If you're a fitness business owner without a website and not sure where to start or have a website that isn’t converting how you would like it to, this is the episode for you!


Key Highlights 

  • Why Matt transitioned from personal training to website developing 

  • Why as a business owner you need a website, and how it can legitimise your operation

  • Creating and owning a domain for your fitness business

  • Structuring web pages on your website

  • Key things to remember when creating a website for your fitness business

  • Websites as another tool for lead generation  

To find out how Fitness Marketing Agency can help your Fitness Business, book a demo call using the link below:


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Connect with Matt
