The Fitness Marketing Agency Podcast

From PT To Running A £500,000+ Gym

Broadcast on:
29 Nov 2023

Gavin Denning, owner of GWD Performance and FMA client since 2018 shares a wealth of knowledge on the critical elements of building a successful fitness business. Covering everything from making swift decisions to overcoming the fear of debt, he dives into the psychology behind consumer decision-making and business growth. His take on reframing debt as an investment and the importance of pursuing dreams despite scepticism are eye-opening. Key highlights in this conversation include the importance of making quick decisions, reframing debt as an investment, and assessing the burning question: Do you want it enough to take the risk? Learn from Gavin’s pre-launch marketing strategies and the nuances behind team building that have fuelled his journey, along with his expertise in sales and conversion rates, navigating unforeseen challenges, and the invaluable lessons he's amassed along the way. Bursting with actionable takeaways, this podcast episode is a gold mine for ambitious fitness entrepreneurs seeking inspiration, innovative strategies, and a clear roadmap for their own fitness business.Key highlights in this conversation:
  • Indecision is still a decision, urging entrepreneurs to recognise the impact of hesitation on progress.
  • A mindset shift on reframing your relationship with debt and starting to see it as a strategic investment in business growth.
  • Discussing diverse avenues for acquiring investment, including high street banks, specialised companies like Swoop, and leveraging personal networks.
  • Encouraging individuals to gauge their commitment level and willingness to create a lasting impact versus staying in a comfortable zone.
  • Advocating for early education on nutrition and fitness in schools to combat rising obesity rates and promote healthier lifestyles.
  • Illustrating the significance of spousal support, calculated risk-taking, and the confidence to challenge conventional advice for entrepreneurial success.
To find out how Fitness Marketing Agency can help your Fitness Business, book a demo call using the link below:   For more information, head over to our Podcast Page:   Connect with Fitness Marketing Agency on Instagram:   Connect with Gavin: