Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast

AI and Outdoor Adventure: Dan Flores/Satisfi Labs Uncovers Innovations in Tourism [EP 471]

Broadcast on:
29 Oct 2024

This week, on episode 471 of the Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast, I'm talking with Dan Flores, Satisfi Labs Head of Tourism. Dan and Satisfi Labs are key players in the industry’s evolution.

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Show Notes

Curiosity: "If I had known back then that being curious would lead me to a career in AI and tourism innovation, I would’ve asked a lot more questions!" Dan Flores, Satisfi Labs


Think of tourism as a river. If you stop paddling, you might float for a while, but eventually, the current will pull you in directions you don’t want to go. Curiosity is your paddle. It keeps you exploring new waters, finding smoother routes, and avoiding obstacles. Without it, you’re stuck, moving only where the current takes you.


In leisure and tourism, curiosity and an open mind aren’t just beneficial—they’re necessary. With the rise of new technology, especially AI, those who stay curious and continuously explore new tools will not only survive but thrive. It’s about constantly asking: "Is there a better way to do this?" and never getting too comfortable with "good enough."


That’s why now, more than ever, staying open to new ideas is vital. Whether it’s AI, customer engagement strategies, or operational efficiency, those who embrace curiosity will be the ones who stay ahead. The biggest challenge holding back many tourism businesses is the belief that they already know what works, and they’re hesitant to explore new opportunities—like AI—to improve efficiency and customer experience.

Call to Action:

So, if you’ve been feeling stuck in the old ways of doing things and want to see how embracing curiosity can lead to better outcomes, Reach out to Dan! 



Satisfi Labs Website:

Tune into Episode 471 for a wide-ranging conversation about AI tools in Tourism and more! It's a great listen the next time you "get outside!"

Catch you out there,

The Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast Team

Brought to you this week by Thrive Market