Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast

Culinary Adventures Outdoors: Chef Corso's Elevated Cooking for Outdoor Enthusiasts [EP 456]

Broadcast on:
13 Aug 2024

Welcome to episode 456 of the Outdoor Biz podcast with your culinary guide to the outdoors Chef Steve Corso! He’s here to put you on the path to amazing meals wherever your adventure takes you.

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Brought to you this week by Alabama Beaches

Show Notes

00:00 Chef Corso founded Outdoor Eats for outdoor food.

04:20 Testing recipes, launching website, learning from others.

08:21 Culinary education in US and Italy.

10:48 I worked for Starbucks as a Food scientist and chef to create new products.

21:58 Beef stroganoff cooked outside with trail meals.

25:58 Beef jerky adds flavor and protein options.

28:51 Share the load, cook together, and eat well.

30:00 Importance of carefully selected food for outdoor activities.

35:10 Choose sustainable brands and reusable items for conservation.

38:37 Community testers contribute to Outdoor Eats recipes. Outdoor Eats Recipe Club

42:17 Foldable camp knife with 4-5 inch blade.

44:21 Delicious recipes and flavors for meal planning.

49:48 Expanding recipe bank and trail meals cookbooks.

51:51 Diverse soup flavors and forgiving ingredient options.

Learn More

Favorite Books

Why You Eat What You Eat by Rachel Herz

Any of the Michael Pollan books

Food Explorer by Daniel Stone

The Material World by Ed Conway

Matthew McConaughey's memoir called Green Lights

Favorite Piece of Gear

Foldable camp knife

Coffee Mug

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Next Steps

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#trail snacks, #truck stop recipes, #beef jerky, #rehydrating food, #outdoor challenges, #pack weight, #perishable ingredients, #sharing food load, #outdoor meal planning, #audiobooks, #outdoor adventures, #guided backpacking trips, #camp gear, #cooking gear, #food memoirs, #travel experiences, #Vagabond tour, #cooking shows, #sustainable cooking, #Leave No Trace, #recipe bank, #culinary education, #research chef, #food product development

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