Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast

Exploring Endurance: Uncovering the Outdoor Trails and Adventures of Rebecca Rush [EP 411]

Broadcast on:
21 Nov 2023

Welcome to episode 411 of The Outdoor Biz Podcast, brought to you this week by toughcutie, Premium quality merino wool hiking socks made by women for women in the USA. This week American endurance professional athlete, seven-time World Champion, author, entrepreneur, Emmy Award winner, and motivational speaker Rebecca Rusch joins me. We learn about her very first bike, how she finds all her adventures, where her drive and determination come from, and plenty more.

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Show Notes

00:39 Rebecca Rush discusses her adventures and inspirations.

04:37 Enjoyed outdoors from a young age, shaping career around sport with no master plan.

09:25 A personal adventure on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

10:05 Evolution of career and industry, with creativity and changes.

14:56 Long-distance activities engage the mind and promote reflection and improvement.

17:38 I was surprised by positive feedback, as it inspired others from my book.

20:19 Unaware of the devastation in Vietnam, Dad's words led to realization, and career pivot for more impact.

23:26 Rebecca wants to explore famous routes like the Ho Chi Minh Trail and Silk Roads but is also interested in untouched areas in Idaho for bike-packing expeditions.

27:12 Rebecca’s advice: Start small, use resources, and consider your skill level. Find guided trails for safety and convenience.


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Welcome to a podcast dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts looking to elevate their outdoor careers while embracing the freedom and joy of outdoor adventure. We dive deep into outdoor recreation, adventure travel, and outdoor activities, helping you find the best outdoor jobs that fit your ideal outdoor life. Whether you're seeking career growth or just more time to get outdoors, we've got you covered.