Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast

Driving Outdoor Gear Carry: Suweeka's Cutting-Edge Bike Carry Solutions [EP 410]

Broadcast on:
14 Nov 2023

Welcome to Episode 410 of the Outdoor Biz Podcast. Brought to you this week by Four Wheel Campers. Today I’m talking with Kirk Ohly and Spencer T Houser about their new project Suweeka, a modular, vehicle rack system – engineered to support the lifestyle of active and passionate people in original and innovative ways.

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Show Notes

First Bikes


Takara BMX Bike

First 10 speed


Moxie - Monoshock

First 10-speed

Favorite Books Build by Tony Fadell He headed up the iPod & iPhone team and also started the NEST brand. A Trip to the Beach, By Melinda Blanchard and Robert Blanchard a husband and wife team that moved from Vermont to Anquila and followed up on their crazy idea to open a beachside restaurant. It's a great read, and it didn't dawn on me until we started Suweeka that it's a great take on starting a business.  

Favorite outdoor gear purchase under $100

This hasn't changed from my last appearance, A hammock from Eagles Nest Outfitters. I think we have six of them right now   Also, a special mention for @Belmont Blankets. They are the kind of blanket our parents carried, and we didn't understand why. They are cozy and bombproof, and now my kids fight over who gets to share mine with me.   Dometic water jug and rechargeable faucet   Knipex tools Follow up Instagram:  @suweeka_pnw @kirkohly Facebook Linkedin Kirk email Suweeka email:  

Welcome to a podcast dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts looking to elevate their outdoor careers while embracing the freedom and joy of outdoor adventure. We dive deep into outdoor recreation, adventure travel, and outdoor activities, helping you find the best outdoor jobs that fit your ideal outdoor life. Whether you're seeking career growth or just more time to get outdoors, we've got you covered.