Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast

Replay: What it takes to be a Pro with Adventure Photographer and Filmmaker Lucas Gilman [EP 308]

Broadcast on:
21 Dec 2021

Lucas Gilman is one of the leading adventure photographers and filmmakers in the industry for the last 20 years. His powerful and incisive images run in top publications & advertisements worldwide and his love of adventure and addiction to color creates his distinct style of photography and filmmaking. I’ve had the good fortune to work and learn from him on a couple of different occasions.

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Rich Clarkson

Nomad Charcoal Grill


I would say you only have one chance to make a first impression. I would say if you're wanting to work figure out who your client is first. If that's National Geographic figure out what kind of portfolio you'd need to build, to impress National Geographic. And I'd say that you need to crawl before you walk and walk before you run. And until you're ready to show them your portfolio. Don't do it. You only have that first chance once.

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"chance favors the prepared mind"  the old Louis Pasteur quote

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