Outdoor Prolink connects outdoor professionals with the best outdoor brands. Those people are guides, instructors, search and rescue, people who work in retail, work for the outdoor brands, etc.
Facebook Twitter Instagram The Outdoor Biz Podcast Please give us a rating and review HERE Show Notes What outdoor activities do you guys participate in you and your family?"I still rock climb with a bunch of buddies, paddle a little bit, not as much as I used to and mountain bike and ski."
Gareth's Advice to get into the Outdoor Industry"Do your homework, and align yourself with brands, with companies who have the same values as you."
Gareth's favorite piece of outdoor gear under a hundred dollars.Grayl water purifier
Follow up with GarethWelcome to a podcast dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts looking to elevate their outdoor careers while embracing the freedom and joy of outdoor adventure. We dive deep into outdoor recreation, adventure travel and outdoor activities, helping you find the best outdoor jobs that fit your ideal outdoor life. Whether you're seeking career growth or just more time to get outdoors, we've got you covered.
02:06 - 02:29 Gareth’s Introduction to the Outdoors
04:02 - 04:18 What is Outdoor Prolink?
25:22 - 25:36 Gareth Richard’s Advice to get in the Outdoor Industry
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