Show Notes
Large Minority exists to provide you with the best gosh-darned adventure holidays in the world! From driving tuk-tuks across Sri Lanka and Cambodia to sailing in the Philippines and exploring the Amazon Rainforest, we make the surreal, real. We’ve put in the hard work and organized most things for you. All you have to do is turn up and enjoy the adventure. Checking a map every now and then is encouraged, but ultimately optional.
Tuk Tuk
Sri Lanka
I guess a couple of things, for me, it's gotta be passion over cash, if you can It sounds very idealistic, but I think that really if you're going to make something work, the passion has got to be there. And you've gotta be not put off by not immediately making a bunch of cash because then you've just got to be realistic early on. And then the second one is really kind of researching. And I say this because I do it. Really researching what you want to do and, and making sure a hundred percent that you've almost got something or you're going to do something that's a little bit different because there's a lot of really great people out there in the space and they do amazing stuff. They might've already done something and you can maybe collaborate without having to do it yourself.
Favorite piece of gear under $100
It's a cool little question. I think mine, it's a fairly boring response, but my Leatherman. My uncle was a pilot and going back to like growing up in Kenya at boarding school, we were a bunch of seven-year-olds running around with either a Swiss army knife or Leatherman. It was part of our school uniform at the time. So we always had it.
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05:53 How Large Minority began 29:06 Advice 30:27 Gear
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