Things we talked about
Weekly Outdoor Group: Outdoor F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
I've mentioned that I came to the outdoor business later in my career. Most of your guests will talk about either being a rep or working in a local outdoor gear shop. I think that's a really good first step. I think you're gonna learn about the industry. You're going to meet people. If you pay attention, the reps are gonna talk to you, and then conversations happen. And then that gets parlayed into the next step. That to me is a really good way. Something else when talking about the OR shows as a first-timer or something, someone young in the industry, I think going to the sessions is going to set you apart. And I think going to the different talks is going to set you apart. As we mentioned, it's so easy to just show up for the happy hours and you're going to have great conversations, but going to some of the talks and the breakout sessions, you're really gonna see who's leading the industry. Who's going to be a good mentor who can answer good questions, et cetera, et cetera.
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"Show me your oldest reusable cup, mug, or bottle, and the first beer is on me."
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