Barry and Cathy Beck have hosted some of the best fly fishing and photo adventures you’ll find. They have traveled and fished all over the world and produce stunning images of it all.
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Introduction to the Outdoors
Barry- My parents had a tackle shop. From the very beginning, it was spending time in the shop with my parents and also our vacations were always fishing oriented. It's just been part of my life. I can't remember not fishing.
Cathy- I grew up in the country on a farm, in a big family. I have seven brothers and sisters. And so we grew up in the country and fishing the farm ponds and you know, lots of woods around and farm fields and it's just, you know, this was the lifestyle.
Things we talked about
Other Outdoor Activities
Working on old Land Rovers
Don't quit your day job. And Kathy always frowns when I say that. We do hear that question a lot, especially at our industry show. We've got a young photographer who comes in and says, you know, how do you do this? How do you make a living at this? And, or a guide who wants to move into the industry and, it's certainly not an industry that you're going to get rich at, but you will get rich in other ways. It's a lifestyle and it's what it's all about. And I don't care if you're a young guy working for Sage or you're a young guy hoping to move up into, in something larger. It's still a lifestyle. If you accept that and know you're not going to make a lot of money, but you're going to have other rewards that you can't put a monetary value on, absolutely. You should do it, follow your dreams.
Favorite Books and Podcasts
anything by John Gierach
Tim Flagler Tightline Productions
Fly Fishing Guide Podcast Tom Rosenbauer Orvis
anything by Lefty Kreh
Favorite Outdoor Gear under $100
Connect with Barry and Cathy