Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast

193: REPLAY Arrive- Gear rental may change the way you recreate outdoors . . . maybe it already has.

Broadcast on:
31 Dec 2019

Your gear is waiting. Rachelle Snyder and Ross Richmond from Arrive Outdoors are flipping the script on outdoor gear ownership and renting.

Show Notes

First Exposure to the Outdoors

Ross- I think for me it was summertime. Most of my family is up in New Hampshire on Lake Winnipesaukee. My mother's the oldest of eight in a big Catholic family and we would spend the summers together and go on to a little island on Lake Winnipesaukee and do a lot of hiking and camping. That was the culture that I was born into.

Rachelle- I grew up in northern Indiana and ever since I was a baby, my mom would take us camping in Michigan. We'd go on Lake Michigan to Waco Beach and go camping just up from the beach. We'd spend our days at the beach hiking, finding creeks and playing in the water. It's really fun cause now it's come full circle. In a couple of weeks I'm going camping again with my mom, my sister and my sister's three little girls. We get to take them all camping up at Waco Beach as well.

Things we talked about

Arrive Outdoors

Reserve America

Kevin Kelly

Tim Ferriss Podcast

Science Inc.

Mike Jones

Dollar Shave Club


Other Outdoor Activities

Surfing, running, backpacking, camping

Favorite Books/Podcasts

How I Built This

Up First

Pod Save America

This American Life

Give and Take by Adam Grant

The Originals by Adam Grant

River of Doubt by Candace Millard

Favorite Piece of Gear under $100

YETI Hopper Backflip 24

ENO Hammock

Connect with Rachelle and Ross





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