Show Notes
First Exposure to the Outdoors
Nick-I feel like I've been living and breathing the outdoors since I could walk. My Dad was just super into it. I have pretty good memory and I can remember just being out on little creeks and stuff. One incident I was fishing for trout on this stream and hooking into some fish and he's always been kind of letting me, on my own. Since I was a little kid, man, we've been fishing, hiking, camping, you know, going to Eagle Lake and camping out and fishing for rainbows.
Outdoors have definitely been a big part of my life and always will be. I just had a son. He's six months old and I got a backpack for carrying him. I'm just waiting for his head to stop bobbing when I carry him so I can get him out.
Chad- I lived in the middle of a rice field for a long time. And so kind of by default I'd walk out my back door and there's nothing but rice patties. So the outdoors were kind of used as a form of punishment for me and I got in trouble a lot as a kid, so I had to do a lot of manual labor.
After living in the Bay Area for about 10 years I got back up here and I was like, well what the heck am I going to do? Cause I didn't really have any hobbies or anything. So I started getting into fly fishing cause my dad took me when I was a little kid. We'd camp once in awhile and that was my exposure to it at first. But I didn't have a ton. It definitely wasn't part of my life. And up until shoot three years ago, three and a half years ago, I didn't really hadn't touched a fly rod in 20 plus years.
Things we talked about
Seth Blackamore
Why you need a podcast
Other Outdoor Activities
Advice, tips
Find what you like, find a way to get in and then just go. It's gotta come from a place of passion. You can't just go hey, I want to go make boat loads of money and I'll just pick something random when sailing is my thing. It doesn't work that way. The core of it is you gotta be nuts about the thing and if it happens to be in the outdoors and happens to be something you think you can make money out of, then go for it. Then once you check all that stuff off in your head, then you need to figure out how to differentiate yourself.
With someone that's already in the industry build your network and don't screw anybody over. Trust is huge. The outdoor industry is a very intimate thing. Everybody knows everybody. It's like the town I grew up in, a 450 people, you screw up and everybody's going to know within a week.
Favorite Books
Future State Podcast
Stillwater Fly Fishing Secrets by Hal Janssen
Favorite Piece of Gear under $100
Maybelline makeup remover (floatant)
Connect with Chad and Nick
Chad Instagram
Nick Instagram
Welcome to a podcast dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts looking to elevate their outdoor careers while embracing the freedom and joy of outdoor adventure. We dive deep into outdoor recreation, adventure travel, and outdoor activities, helping you find the best outdoor jobs that fit your ideal outdoor life. Whether you're seeking career growth or just more time to get outdoors, we've got you covered.