In this episode Jason Waicunas tells us how PCT Days grew from a small group of hikers hanging out swapping stories into an annual multi day event with hundreds of PCT hikers.
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First Exposure to the Outdoors
I was fortunate to grow up in the woods of Connecticut where we had pretty good acreage on our property. We had a three and a half acre lot that segued into a state park called Penwood State Park. There were a number of hiking trails to go explore and at a pretty young age I was allowed to go free range. This was before tracking devices and cell phones and leashes and all that stuff you see now. But I was about 10 years old when I went on my first outing with best friend. We trudged through like a foot of snow and hiked like three to four miles, which was a lot for a 10 year. It was a lot of fun and I was fortunate to have that.
Things we talked about
Pacific Crest Trail Association
Pacific Northwest Trail Association
Oregon Desert Trail Association
Other Outdoor Activities
Favorite Books
The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac
Favorite Piece of Gear under $100
Pocket sized Victorinox Swiss Army Knife
Connect with Jason
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