Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast

141: Shawn Frederick- From Photography to Adventure Travel Shawn talks about his photo career and new Adventure Business

Broadcast on:
29 Nov 2018

Shawn and his wife have recently launched their new Adventure and Photo retreat business and we talk about their inspiration, challenges as well as Shawn's photo career shooting some of the best Action Sport athletes in the world.     Facebook Twitter Instagram   The Outdoor Biz Podcast   Support the show on Patreon   Please give us a rating and review HERE   Show Notes

First Exposure to the Outdoors

I think as a kid we would bike ride and skateboard or try and find empty swimming pools around to skateboard in. So that was at an early age. Early on I played a lot of baseball that was my primary sport of choice as a youngster and played that all the way through high school. Growing up in southern California, it's hard not to, you know, have a skateboard or a surfboard or even back then a bmx bike.

Things we talked about

Adriatic Adventure Academy

Chaffey College


Jim Hogan

Herbie Fletcher

Steamers Lane

Bonzai Pipeline

Surfrider Foundation

5 Gyres Institute

Schooner Yacht America / Next Level Sailing

Advice, tips

Yes. I would say anybody that's going to have a long career, like if they're doing it for a career, right? I would say first and foremost, if you know what you want to do, if you are a photographer and that is hugely your passion, then go for it.

I had some very, very sound advice when I was going pro . . . educate yourself and not just to be a photographer. But educate yourself in the business because if you're going to follow the footsteps of being a photographer, you can't forget that you're a business and your really are no different than a plumber or a contractor or any other small business. The lectures that I've given at universities or workshops that I taught at the end of the day, I give this advice. I still tell everybody, you're a business and you have to run your business accordingly. It's probably 20 percent taking pictures and a 80 percent we're running a business.

Now, if you don't know what you want to do, for those people out there that say they don't really know what they want to do yet, but they're definitely outdoor enthusiasts. Go see if you can get a job at one of the local outdoor adventure outfitters, like an REI or a one of those places. Go to the ski resorts in the winter and get a job as a lift operator. Something along that line if you live near the beach or something, go get a job at a surf shop.

Other Outdoor Activities

Mtn Biking




Favorite Books

Capital Gaines by Chip Gaines

Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim

Best Gear Purchase under $100

Petzl Headlamp

Connect with Shawn

Welcome to a podcast dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts looking to elevate their outdoor careers while embracing the freedom and joy of outdoor adventure. We dive deep into outdoor recreation, adventure travel, and outdoor activities, helping you find the best outdoor jobs that fit your ideal outdoor life. Whether you're seeking career growth or just more time to get outdoors, we've got you covered.