Great conversation with Writer and Photographer Louis Arevalo. You’ve seen him running around the Outdoor Retailer Show shooting for the Outdoor Industry Association and his work in Backpacker, Alpinist, Nat Geo Adventure and more
Louis tells us how he became photographer and great stories about learning the biz of outdoor photography.
Facebook Twitter Instagram The Outdoor Biz Podcast Show NotesFirst Exposure to the Outdoors
My first outdoor recreation experience I think would come through scouts. First with cub scouts and boy scouts. I think like the more lasting impression happened when I was in elementary school. I think I was around 11 years old and a few things kind of happened during that year that really left an impression. First thing that happened is I went alpine skiing or downhill skiing for the first time.
I borrowed my mom's leather boots, put on like six pairs of socks and spent the day with my friends just basically rolling down the beginner hills up at Brighton, Utah. That experience, you know, after that day I knew, I was like, oh yeah, I'll be doing this as much as I can.
Things we talked about
Outdoor Retailer
Black Diamond
Advice, tips
You just need to keep shooting. Like just shoot, shoot in all conditions. Shoot, you know, different things. Shoot what you love because that's the easiest thing.
So I think shoot the kind of stuff that you care about or interested in, that's definitely evolved for me. Like there's no way you could've gotten me to wander downtown Denver. I would've been out running or climbing if I was in the front range. I would have done something like that. But yeah, just keep shooting, shooting all different situations. I think just knowing, getting competency in what's possible with the camera and what you know and kind of having an idea of what's going to happen that day. If you're thrown into a situation that's often ideal, you feel comfortable enough. I know how I can work through this situation. So you're focused on one product, not like, oh no, I don't know what to do here. So I think just shooting nonstop and just building your network. If you're a student shoot nonstop and make sure you're fair, like letting people know, maybe you're not ready to take on work, but just letting people see your stuff so that they know what's going on. It's really the people around you that will keep you going and encourage you.
Other Outdoor Activities
Mtn Biking
Favorite Books/Apps
Best Gear Purchase under $100
Connect with Louis
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