Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast

122: Angel Castellanos- The Travel Ambassador telling adventure stories and more

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2018

Angel Castellanos, The Travel Ambassador on the show today. You’ve seen him on the New York Times Travel show, the Travel & Adventure Show, ABC, and more.

We talk about how he got inspired to travel, all the places he’s been and how he became The Travel Ambassador.

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First Exposure to the Travel

It really came from my parents. They were avid travelers. I come from a family of travelers and I had my very first passport before I could even speak, read or write. And they always stoked that wanderlust in me when I was a kid. We'd get these postcards from foreign destinations and I always loved history, art and culture. So when I eventually did take my first memorable international journey, I realized that there was much more in the world than just my little league team.

Things we talked about

Angel's Travel Lounge

Distant Lands

Le Travel Store

Rick Steves

Arthur Frommer

Patricia Schultz- The Thousand Places to See Before You Die

Alex Cook

Tim Richards

Jeff Sheets

Steve and Nona Barker

Skip Yowell

The Tournament of Roses Foundation

The Kind Traveler

Advice, tips

I think people have to have a really solid business plan to figure out what their benchmarks and milestones are, what value they're going to offer to their clients. Whether they're the end consumer or brands. But I think patience, being humble and listening goes a way. I've been surrounded by a lot of industry greats my whole life and I've been able to really learn from them and a lot of it has been on the job learning. I think relationships are super, super key. If you're not valuing and cultivating those relationships in a very active way, then you know, that can certainly work for you in many ways. And lastly, I just think being yourself. I love travel and I love the outdoors and I love what travel does for people and what it has done for me. So to me that has been my main business model. I think if you're a gear head, then make a business model around being a gear head. If you like booking travel, you know, if you get joy out of that, do that. I think people really need to find whatever it is that they get joy out of and go after that.

Favorite Books/Apps

Samsara Meditation App

David McCullough

Levison Wood

Walking the Bible by Bruce Feiler

Gary Vaynerchuk

The Ultimate Journey for Two by Mike and Anne Howard

Best Gear Purchase under $100

Eagle Creek Pac It System

Light my Fire products

Connect with Angel

Angel's Travel Lounge





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