Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast

093: Sara Ray Lewis from Outdoor Retailer Rock Creek Outfitters

Broadcast on:
12 Apr 2018

Sara tells us about her Science background, how she got into the outdoors and how a vegetarian became the best organic grocery meat buyer in Knoxville.

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First Exposure to the Outdoors

We weren't the wealthiest family so when we went on vacation we'd go for a week to the state park and I loved it. I've got an older brother so we were just partners in crime for a week, riding our bikes, swimming in the lake and going hiking it. It was how our family recreated. My mom super adventurous, I'm thankful for that and I definitely attribute my outdoor love to my parents. I'm super thankful for that.

Things we talked about

Rock Creek Outfitters

Three Rivers Market


Breast Cancer Support Services

Southeastern Climbers Coalition

Access Fund

StumpJump 50K Trail Race

Triple Crown Bouldering Series

Advice, tips

Yeah, start small. Start start on the sales floor. You've got to have that baseline of knowledge before I think you can really rise up. You learn how to sell the things that you love and learn how sell things you don't really like too. In a small businesses especially, like us, we hire from within. So if we see somebody on our salesforce doing great, they're going to be a manager and they'll eventually get into merchandising or buying. That's the organic process.

I think it's cool to see how some universities around the country are now even offering outdoor business degrees, industry related degrees related to recreation. Or even design for outdoor which half the sourcing is based on its ecologic friendliness. It's funny you know, I'm an elbow greaser though whatever you want to do, just get your hands dirty, work hard and it all pays off. Just put in the effort.

Other Outdoor Activities

Stand Up Paddle Boarding



Favorite Books

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond

Best Gear Purchase under $100

Smartwool socks

Connect with Sara

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