Outdoor Adventure Lifestyle Podcast

001 Waypoint Outdoor Jan 2018

Broadcast on:
10 Jan 2018

Mike Wallenfels, Deanne Buck and Travis Campbell tell us about a couple of the best things that happened in 2017, how did 2017 end up, will it go down as a good or bad year, what they are excited about for 2018, and what they're most excited about Outdoor Retailer moving to Denver

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Things we talked about

what are a couple of the best things that happened in 2017

how did 2017 end up, will it go down as a good or bad year

what are you excited about for 2018

what are you most excited about the OR move to Denver

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Welcome to a podcast dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts looking to elevate their outdoor careers while embracing the freedom and joy of outdoor adventure. We dive deep into outdoor recreation, adventure travel and outdoor activities, helping you find the best outdoor jobs that fit your ideal outdoor life. Whether you're seeking career growth or just more time to get outdoors, we've got you covered