Deanne tells us how she got her start in the outdoors and the great work Camber is doing in the outdoor community including their terrific mentoring program.
Facebook Twitter Instagram The Outdoor Biz Podcast Please give us a rating and review HERE Show NotesDeanne tells us how she got her start in the outdoors and the great work Camber is doing in the outdoor community including their terrific mentoring program.
First Exposure to the Outdoors
There was about not much difference between my life outdoors my life indoors. We were playing outside all the time. I remember in the summer our screen door would slam and my mom would make it back by dinnertime. When I reflect on growing up I often say I didn't know the difference between public land and private land it just was in there, it was just all outdoors. We lived on a lake and went swimming, I rode my bike everywhere. We had snowmobiles, jet skis and I feel like I grew up in the outdoors. That said I am also very much a team sport sort of person. When I got to college I graduated from University of Nebraska Omaha and met someone who had grown up in Davis California. He was a climber and raft guide and he started saying you know there's this thing called rock climbing, so I would say that it was different the first time I went into the mountains. It was it was intimidating, I didn't know how to find a trail but I really did find that I started to very quickly really focus my life around my love for being outdoors and for the mountains and trail running. The outdoors is very much been a part of my life my entire life it's just becoming many different iterations.
Things we talked about
Camber Events (exchanges)
Advice, tips
I think there's a lot of ways that people can get in to be out there, especially young people. One is making sure that they stay active and pursue their passion, another great way to get involved in the industry and learn a lot about it is retail. I had a couple retail jobs at Mountain Sports in Boulder and Adventure 16 and I still have friends from that period. It doesn't matter which retailer you're at it is still a good way to get started. It is a great way to get to know people. I think applying for jobs that you're interested in.Camber has something called the exchanges and they're in cities all around the country. They are a great way for someone to come and learn about the industry.
Other Outdoor Activities
rock climbing
cross country ski
skate ski
trail running
Best Gear Purchase under $100
Apps, Tools, Podcasts
NPR podcasts iTunes
On Being with Krista Tippett iTunes
Connect with Deanne
Welcome to a podcast dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts looking to elevate their outdoor careers while embracing the freedom and joy of outdoor adventure. We dive deep into outdoor recreation, adventure travel and outdoor activities, helping you find the best outdoor jobs that fit your ideal outdoor life. Whether you're seeking career growth or just more time to get outdoors, we've got you covered