There’s no doubt the pandemic has had a significant economic impact on the people of the United States and the world. Since March, many individuals and families have experienced a reduction in employment, and a loss of income. People of all ages have been affected. The news isn’t all bad, though. For example, in the second quarter of 2020 credit card balances in the US declined considerably. The percentage of delinquent loans also declined in most consumer debt markets. And while you can’t dictate what the financial picture will look like in the new year, you can be a good steward of your money by embracing quality personal finance principles. Jen Lee is an attorney who helps her clients with debt and credit strategy. She joins us today with tips for everyone - from the young professional, to the retiree, to everyone in-between. She’ll fill us in on savings, 401(k)s, managing debt, and the elephant in the room.
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