The Flexingtons

Ep 144: Pope Era Begins

Rich is back with a quick listen covering this upcoming basketball season incoming.
With a fast Football review along with some nbas cats aswell!

(START - 2:13) Intro
(2:13 - 21:21) Covering This years squadron
(21:21 - 23:16) New Cats
(23:16 - 24:08) Mal gets extended 
(24:08 - END) UK FB

New content coming soon! @theFlexingtons
Broadcast on:
21 Sep 2024

Rich is back with a quick listen covering this upcoming basketball season incoming.
With a fast Football review along with some nbas cats aswell!

(START - 2:13) Intro
(2:13 - 21:21) Covering This years squadron
(21:21 - 23:16) New Cats
(23:16 - 24:08) Mal gets extended 
(24:08 - END) UK FB

New content coming soon! @theFlexingtons