Counselling Tutor podcast

CTP 012 - Self actualisation - Ethical Problem Solving - Seven Stages Of Process Part 2 and the difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy

Broadcast on:
30 Apr 2016

In the 1960’s Abraham Maslow developed a theory called ‘Self Actualisation. This was linked to his later theory we know as Maslow’s Triangle or Maslow hierarchy of needs.

Carl Rogers was influenced by Maslow's’ theory and adopted self actualisation as a core principle in his Person Centered Approach to counselling. Ken and Rory debate the concept of self actualisation and they examine the different stages of Maslow’s higher achy of needs.

Professor Tim Bond is the major author of the new BACP Ethical Framework that will come into effect in the UK on the 1st July 2016.

Under the heading Ethics, part 7 reads “A decision or course of action does not necessarily become unethical merely because it is controversial or because other practitioners would have reached different conclusions in similar circumstances. A practitioner’s obligation is to consider all the relevant circumstances with as much care as possible and to be appropriately accountable for decisions made.” BACP Ethical Framework of Good Practice June 2015

The importance of defensible decision making is paramount for any practitioner and being able to appropriately account for our decisions means having a formal process to follow.

Professor Tim Bond developed the Ethical Problem Solving Matrix which is a document that walks the therapist through a series of questions. The questions are carefully worded to get the counsellor to consider and respond to various aspects of the ethical dilemma. In completing the questions, the counsellor is appropriately accounting for the decision. This matrix is helpful to use before a decision is made and can in some instances highlight issues that may well lead the counsellor to a different decision to the one original thought.

Seven Stages of Process Part 2

Ken delves deeper into Carl Rogers 7 stages of process focusing on stages 4 to 7. In last weeks episode Ken looked at the first 3 of the 7 Stages of Process, this weeks episode builds on this by linking Rogers’ theory to what we may se in practice.

What s the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

The debate as to who can call themselves a counsellor and who can claim the title psychotherapist has been around for some time.

In this weeks Ask Rory and Ken, Ken and Rory explore what the terms mean to them and how the BACP view this.