In this episode of the Counselling tutor Podcast Rory takes a close look at Albert Ellis’ REBT, Ken talks about endings in counselling and in Ask Ken and Rory we debate ethics vests culture in counselling.
Albert Ellis developed the behavioural therapy Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy known as REBT. Rory gives some examples that explain how the ABC model of (A) activating event leads to (B) a faulty belief that results in (C) consequences. Rory gives us some real life examples of how the belief can be (D) disputed using (E) evidence.
Endings in Counselling
In Skills with Ken we take a look at ending the counselling relationship which is sometimes called termination.
“Termination is more than an act signifying the end of therapy, it is an integral part of the process of therapy and, if properly understood and managed, may be an important factor in the instigation of change” Irvin Yalom
Some students taking counselling courses find endings tricky to navigate because they are tied into a resistance to change that a client may feel and endings can key into our natural tendency to avoid loss.
Ken looks at the 3 stages of a planned ending
Assessing the clients readiness to end therapy
Seeking closer of the presenting issues that brought the client into counselling
empowering the client and aiming for an increase in self resilience linked into the client’s self belief.
Ken explores some best practice when ending a counselling relationship as well as looking at different types of endings counsellors are likely to encounter.
Holidays and breaks
Planned Endings
Unplanned endings
How endings effect you as the counsellor
Endings of session
In ask Ken and Rory we address a question that revolves around the topic of ethics and culture.
Sometimes we find that ethics and culture clash and it is important to know where to stand when you find yourself in such a tricky situation.