Talk with Fr. Barouyr

Episode 74 - Sermon From Detroit (ARM 🇦🇲 - ENG 🇬🇧)

This week, listen in to Fr. Barouyr’s sermon from St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church in Detroit, Michigan. Fr. Barouyr explains what Jesus means when He says, in the Gospel According to John, that “just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that ever gone who believes may have eternal life in him.” Fr. Barouyr takes us back to the Old Testament, drawing parallels between the Israelites during their exodus from slavery in Egypt, to mankind’s slavery to sin today. Further, to describe the depth of God’s love of His creation, humankind. Finally, he discusses how this verse applies to our lives today, and how we deal with injustice and let God’s love infuse our lives every day.
Broadcast on:
03 Aug 2024

This week, listen in to Fr. Barouyr’s sermon from St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church in Detroit, Michigan. Fr. Barouyr explains what Jesus means when He says, in the Gospel According to John, that “just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that ever gone who believes may have eternal life in him.” Fr. Barouyr takes us back to the Old Testament, drawing parallels between the Israelites during their exodus from slavery in Egypt, to mankind’s slavery to sin today. Further, to describe the depth of God’s love of His creation, humankind. Finally, he discusses how this verse applies to our lives today, and how we deal with injustice and let God’s love infuse our lives every day.